
Permanent Address concerns?

by Guest57057  |  earlier

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I have sort of a dilema. I went to school In providence Rhode Island but I am from Massachusetts. I graduated in May of 07. Right now I live in an apartment with my name on the lease in RI, but I use my parents' Massachusetts address as my permanent address. I have a bank account tied to my RI address and I have all my insurance (car, health, dental, life) tied to my Parents' address. Pretty much all of the bills at the RI address are in my name but my pay checks etc, student loans, and other things all get sent to my parents' address in Massachusetts. Is this a legal nightmare if I need to make a claim with my insurance? I really do consider my parents address as my permanent address I just have an apartment in RI as well I sort of live in two places. Should I have any concerns about this?




  1. It depends on who owns the car and where it is registered.

    If you own it and its registered in RI, you need a RI policy.

    Regardless of who owns the car, you or your parents, if its registered in Mass, you're fine with a Mass policy. Just make sure the insurance company knows that it is garaged in RI.

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