
Permanent Part Time, how much notice do I have to give if I'm quitting?

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I work for Big W as a permanent part time employee and have been offered a position elsewhere. How much notice do I have to give? The position I have been offered has at least one shift that will overlap with my Big W shifts and, although I hate my current job, I can't just up and leave without allowing them time to replace me as I am trained in several areas.




  1. two weeks is standard just about everywhere-more is a nice courtesy. Since you are part time, if you have to give less than two i would offer to work additional hours to train somebody. if they want it they will pay you for it. part-time is a two way street-you don't get all the benefits of full time and sometimes neither do they. do the best you can, and don't burn bridges, but don't worry too much about them, as long as you are resonable.

  2. The standard is 2 weeks, but the papers you signed when you took the job should have that information in it.

  3. It is standard to give a two week notice.  However, if you are not planning on going back to this job, just quit if you are that unhappy.  You can't be sued for not giving a two week notice and the sky won't fall.  It is just courteous to give a two week notice.  If you might lose the job you just got that you know you will enjoy.  Just go to your present boss with respect and tell him you quit or will be leaving for another job shortly.  If you know a good canidate for the job you are giving up, let your now employer know so someone can fill your spot right away.

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