
Permanent U S resisdent thats need to get to canada on emergency certificate?

by  |  earlier

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i do have a passport thats being renew right now and i wont have it back until 6 weeks,but they gave me an emergency certicate a one time use to travel there and back,dont know if they will accept me back in the states with out a passport my dad is very sick and i want to go see him..




  1. Flying you will need a valid passport. Speak to the authorities, perhaps there's a compassionate visa that they can help you with:

    Getting into Canada:

    Getting back into USA:

  2. driving over the border (or bus or rail) you can still get out and into US/Canada with drivers license and birth certifcate ONLY.  You only need a passport if travelling by air.  

    If you need to travel air due to distance would suggest you fly a domestic US airline to the closest border city to Canada where your going and rent a car to drive up if cant get passport in time.


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