
Perpetual Motion Object

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Does anybody know where I can buy a cool perpetual motion object?

(on the web)




  1. There are perpetual motion machines out there which do not violate the laws of thermodynamics. They use an energy source which is seemingly hidden from plain sight. And most of the 'professional' world excuses it as mythical or nonsense (the energy source). It can appear to be perpetual motion if you are not aware of the energy source.

    Some are free to try and build. Trying to buy one would be ludicrous, because you know they would charge a hefty toll to get one, even if fake. They would play you for a fool.

  2. There are probably a number of sites where you can buy a fake perpetual motion device on the worldwide web. All of them will be a waste of your money. There is no such thing as a perpetual motion device. Simply put, its' against the law. The Law of Conservation of Energy, that is. This law states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant. What this means in the context of a perpetual motion device is that, with all the physical constants such as friction, etc. any energy supplied to a system will eventually be used up. Since the system cannot produce more energy than it begins with, it will eventually stop doing whatever it is doing (the motion part). People have been trying to make a perpetual motion device since the beginning of recorded history and a great number of them have been sold, but they are all rip-offs. Don't waste your money.

  3. This is not possible. It violates the second

    law of thermodynamics. Traveling to deep

    space and throwing a ball is about the best

    you can do (nothing on the web). Even in this

    case, this motion will not be perpetual (without end).

  4. Perpetual Motion is not possible, so you can't buy it on the web.

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