
Perplexed,since I moved closer to work & I go home for lunch, I've had three offers for some afternoon delight?

by Guest33097  |  earlier

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Do I swear everyone to the fight club rule or just pick one after I've tried out all three. Please advise, I haven't been in this situation since I was 20.

Once again YA wanted this in the Hockey section




  1. fight club definitely fight club

  2. Dude , you are one lucky dog . Go for it !

  3. Fight club rule!

    <<<looking in the classified now for a place closer to work!

  4. You have to sample all three first, because otherwise you will not be able to make an informed decision.

    If you need someone to assist you in test driving these individuals, please feel free to give me a call.

  5. take   it  as  you see fit!!..  

    the   one on one   is   good..  but   all three  is  one h**l of  a   woop!!

    go tiger!!

  6. I say try them each out, twice. and then you can choose one if you want.

    Yahoo is funny!  They chose religion for a question about doing strange things with smoked sausage!  They are such pervs!

  7. wow hockey thats funny

    well have some fun god this dont happen to often to anyone take all three for a spin by offering no strings and then see which one takes ur fansy the most. fave fun :)

  8. so if u had three offers then what r u doing here?

  9. im starting to think alcohol IS a factor~

  10. My official answer is:

  11. I say let all three fight a once and then you pick someone else altogether!!!!

  12. And your complaining??? my god, trade places with me....I havent had a foursome in 20yrs.......I'm gettin too excited now....gotta go take my pill....

  13. Starland Vocal Band rocks.

    Skyyyyy rockets in flight....

  14. Have them carry you home 'Cleopatra style' in a dining room chair and test drive the one that collapses last.

  15. Wow!! How much closer to work do I have to move?

  16. have some fun!!!

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