
Perscription drug (lamictal) coverage and school?

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I have been on lamictal for over a year. I am in grad school for PT (which means I have no money), and even hough I am still going to school, I am having a birthday next week that will make me too old to stay on my mom's insurance.

Without perscription insurance, it will cost me over $500 a month in rx drugs.

I cannot afford it.

I also cannot live without this medication.

What can I do to keep going to school, but coninue my meds?

***I have looked into private insurance, and I can probably max out my unsubsidized loans to scrape by, but I was hoping to qualify for something, anything to help.

Any suggestions would help so much...




  1. Private insurance is going to cost you a ton, and they don't HAVE to take on the seizure business - they can and likely will exclude coverage for it.  

    You should  1. contact the drug manufacturer, see if you can get on their program for free medications  and 2.  talk to your doctor, see if there is a generic that might work, "almost" as well, that you can pick up at the Target pharmacy for $4 a month.

    And I feel bad.  I just tossed 6 months worth of lamictal, as we're not using it at this house any more.

  2. I believe I can help you!

    There is a company called Ameriplan, they are a discount health care benefits company, who unlike insurance companies, contract their own providers who agree to discount their traditional rates for our members, thus passing the savings onto you.

    For only $19.95 month, you can get the prescription benefits that you need, plus dental, vision & chiropractic as well. You can check out the plans here at

    As for your rx, lamictal... there are many different dosages and types of this drug available, so depending upon how much and how often you take it will determine the exact price, but from the search I did thus far, it ranges anywhere from $124-$168 for a 30 day supply of tabs. Or Chewables $83-129. And starter kits $144-406.

    Contact me for details...because I'm sure you'll have questions.

    There is also another option that we have available with our APAP program and with that you can get your meds for only $82 month, if you qualify. Which for a single person, the income limit is a little over $20k/yr. beings that you are a student that shouldn't be a problem, and lamictal is on the list of drugs available.

    I sure hope this helps you out!

  3. Here is the website for information on how to qualify to get it at a reduced or no cost:  You may also get a free discount drug card here: that may help. Since it's free it doesn't hurt to try.

    You didn't mention the reason for the lamictal there are several different conditions that it can be prescribed for, but the problem you'll find with private insurance is they will probably either decline to accept you at all or will accept but not cover the condition. Seizures are usually accepted with a rider (meaning they won't cover the seizures) but epilepsy, especially grand mal, will be a decline. If you are taking the lamictal for pain the insurance will rate you on the condition that causes the pain. If you are taking it for bi-polar it will most likely be a decline.

    Contact a local agent that works with all the major companies to see what your options will be. There is no extra charge using an agent.

  4. maybe you can check w/the local community clinic or hospital. talk to someone there to see if they have a plan that goes by your income. or speak to your doctor/your doctor's nurse/the billing person in the doctor's office to see if they know of any plans/programs that are out there for students such as yourself. you may want to check w/someone at the college's on-site doctor/nurses office and see if they know a plan/program that's recommended for students. also check w/different medical professors at your college,they may have heard something or read something in one their latest journals that is available.  whatever you do, remain diligent looking on-line and asking any and everyone who might be aware of some help for you. good luck and kudos to you for hanging in there w/college!!!

  5. AmeriPlan USA accepts any going conditions..

    and for your personal concerns!

    Happy Birthday first of all!! =0)

    Plans for the coverage you need is:

    Dental Plus for 19.95 a month.. it covers prescriptions at 25% off name brands.. and 50% off generics.

    and with the Prescription Advocacy program which costs $82 a month..but you get your prescriptions in 90 day supplies for no cost to you! ALL  prescriptions are covered  100% and you only pay $82 a month!

    So for all your prescriptions to be paid in full and get 90 day supplies. the cost would be $101.95 a month!

    That's a great savings to what you would have to pay off your parents insurance!!

    Keep up with the school!! Phy. Therapy does take a long time! (friend went for that), but now he's making reallllllly good money!!!

    You can cancel AmeriPlan anytime.. so as soon as you get a good job after school just cancel it!

    Good luck!! (was in college for 6 years myself!!)

  6. I went to the Ameriplan page it is not insurance and will not protect you in the case of a major health care claim, read their claims carefully.  It is a bunch of smoke and very little fire.  

    Also I take it you are turning 25, that is usually the age in which full time student dependents are excluded from parental coverage.

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