
Persian Cat very spoiled...need help!?

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My cat can not stand to be left alone for more than a few hours. If I go away for the weekend I need to make sure that she is watched over by my neighbor for a few minutes each day but she will still whine and stress when we are not home. How can I break her from this extreme dependency?




  1. Very spoiled?  "Extreme dependency"?

    What cat likes to be left alone for an entire weekend?  I show my cats so they're usually with me when I travel but the one older one that doesn't show I have someone come here to feed each day.  Feeding a dry food only is very bad for cats so I'd never just dump a big pile of dry food in a bowl and leave my cat for the weekend.  She gets fresh canned food twice a day while I'm gone.  She also enjoys the company of someone coming in to see her while I'm not around.   Would you prefer it if your cat was aloof and could care less where you were?

    Question for you - if you're not there how do you know she's "whining and stressing" when you're not there?  Do you have a camera set up recording her?

    I feel sorry for this poor cat.  Persians are wonderful, loving cats.  Maybe you should rehome her with someone who will return that love?

  2. I don't think you can, nor is she spoiled. Cats do like company, however, and being fussed over. She might be happier if boarded at the vet's shop, where there are people around.

    It could be worse: I knew some folks who left their Manx alone for the weekend, and when they returned they found it had shredded all the drapes and upholstery.

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