there are many persian words that are related to french, and i think it was because of the history of the two countries perhaps? im not sure since i have really studied about it so yeah..
here are words that are very similar in both persian and french:
[persian] - [french] - [meaning]
mersi - merci - thank you
papiyon - papillon - bow in persian/ butterfly in fr.
ananas - ananas - pineapple
maiyoo - maillot - bathing/swimming suit.
doosh - douche - shower
manto - manteau - coat.
There are soo much more, if you want to see the extended list please check out
I was wondering if there are words in persian that are very similar in other languages and cultures? i am very curious about my country's culture and history. (:
and for some people who are still mistaking, persian are NOT arabs. we dont have anything in common except for the religion Islam , but mostly shia's not sunni, although sunni's are found in Iran (but minority) and we DONT speak arabic as an official language, we speak persian/Farsi. and please be mature and dont say persian/Persia doesnt exist because many iranians refer themselves as Persians, but for the country we say Iran mostly, rarely Persia. ur maturity would muchly be appreciated thank you so much :)