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what do you think about them?




  1. all i know is persian cats...never met a persian/iranian i dunno what i think of them...i suppose they are people wanting to be accepted and free like i am a person wanting the same things...

  2. i'm a persian. and i don't like this question. haha it's not like there's a uniform description of us...

  3. I think they run the full gamut from good to bad, just like every other culture/ethnicity. Go meet & talk to some instead of asking for 2nd hand opinions.

  4. Like Paul McCartney says, There is good and bad in everyone.  I had a friend who moved away, with a $50 book.  He kept telling me, "Don't worry about it, I'll give it back before I go."  He never did.  But I survived.  He was a really funny guy and I remember he has the book, and all the laughs we had.  I hope he still enjoys the book.

    He told me that if you tell an Iranian you like his coat, he'll take it off and say, "Here, you can have it."  Of course you say, "No, no, I don't need it."  He insists, but the person refuses even more.

    I asked him how the guy would feel if the other person took it.

    He said he would eventually get something from someone else.  It's all the same, one hand washes the other in life.

    One can get an appreciation of anyone on earth is we just spend the time to talk with them.

  5. personally i like their attitude. brave and intellegent.

  6. i know this one girl named Naaz for the past 5 yrs. and she is a brat and a drug addict especially to Xanex and pain pills i never known other persians her moms nice thou

  7. When it comes to Persians in the US, it seems like the ones I've heard about are from wealthy families.

  8. I know several and they are absolutely wonderful people.  The sad fact is that many in Iran follow a religion that makes the attitude that evangelical Christians hold toward science and modern thought seem positively enlightened.  Those radical Muslims are incredibly dangerous and need to be dealt with and not allowed to posses  nuclear weapons no matter what the cost in Iranian lives.

  9. I work with several and they are like most other people, just make more efforts.

  10. I know a persian in iran.

    Shes a very nice girl.  Super religious.

    Super morals and values.  Shes very pretty also.

    American women like paris "one nite in" hilton, britney "train wreck" spears and nicole "super ho" ritchie, would burst into flames in her presence.
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