
Persil 'small &mighty' uses 1/2 the packaging, 1/2 the transport and 1/2 the water, why does it cost double?

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eco friendly swindle or what?




  1. they are only ripping off their customers just like every other company is doing

  2. lol!,i only buy own brand powder!,just as good !

  3. oh pleeeeeaaasssseee the big companies do not care about the environment! they care about making the most miney from the masses.

    I buy my stuff from companies that I know are grassroots that believe in helping the world. there ar eloads out there, so you should research the one you like and buy from them.

    money is very powerful, so give your money to the ones you believe in!

  4. plus you forgot about all the lorry drivers and transport firms that are now out of buisness because they have nothing to deliver

  5. Oooooh  Yesssss !!!!!!!

    And don't you hate the implication - that if you don't buy this product (thus helping reduce transport) you are a heartless b@rstard who does not give a d**n about the planet and who probably goes round killing fluffy kittens?

    Eco rip-off & guilt trip as well.

    PS - and HOW exactly will it reduce transport ?????  They are still going to have to get it from the factory to the supermarket distrabution centre where it is then driven AGAIN to the individual supermarkets ???????

  6. I don't know.  It seems that every thing that is good for the environment or healthy (in the case of food) is much more expensive.

  7. Because they need to make lots of profit to pay for the company's fat cats luxury yaughts and overseas homes

  8. because its got eco friendly on the box which automatically increases the price of everything.. same as the words free range

    shame i cant put both in front of my name and get my bosses to pay me more

  9. they try and make money out of you and dont really care about the evironment

  10. because it's double the strength which means it lasts a lot longer.  Things that are concentrated always cost more.

  11. swindle

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