
Persistent Back Pain?

by Guest57107  |  earlier

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I have had back pain for years. When I go to a Dr. they tell me the same thing, put a heating pad on it and take a pain reliever. This does not work and now that I have a baby, my back is worse. It goes into spasms and clenches up constantly. I can't play with my daughter the way I would like to.

I am going to the Dr (again) tomorrow to demand to be seen by a specialist. Do you have any suggestions of what I can ask or do to get results? Thank you!




  1. See an orthopedist.  I had been suffering with lower back pain for years and finally found a dr that would listen to me.  He took x-rays and I had an MRI.  We have tried several different therapies as I have a couple of things going on.  Right now I'm on pain med and occasionally muscle relaxers. We are trying to wait a few years before surgery.  I have learned some exercises to do as well.  Don't give up.  Find someone who will listen and help you.  It took me 4 different dr.'s to find one that helped. Good luck

  2. For temporarily relief of back pain you could try laying flat on your back on a soft but firm surface. Once on your back, try stretching out and arch your back a few times. This may relieve some minor compression of the spine. The underlying cause of your discomfort could be something as simple as an old bed mattress or even your posture while sitting or standing, but then again, it could be more serious. An MRI probably wouldn't hurt if you got a few grand for the test. I hope you can beat the pain.

  3. Get a second opinion along with an MRI.

  4. Simple, first keep your temper. Once inside the Doctors office mention your problem, then ask him for his diagnosis. If he says 'Well its a muscle spasm' then you ask how he can be so sure and perhaps a x-ray or MRI might reveal the problem? Remember it is always a question of ruling thing in or ruling things out, the only real way of ruling out say a disc problem, MRI. Best of Luck

  5. Have you had x-rays or CT/MRI scans of your back?...these are a good idea to show if there are any worn out discs etc.  The spasms are terrible I have them every day.  What helped me was a Facet Rhizotomy where they zapped the nerves, it stopped the spasms for 8-9 months.  This was done by a pain-management Dr. , your GP can refer you to one.  My lower back is stuffed, I have degenerative disc disease.  I rely heavily on my hot pack and I take Tramadol for the pain.  If I could have another rhizotomy I would but I  have had a mechanical heart valve now so am not allowed.

    Good Luck , I feel your pain.
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