
Person Search Question?

by  |  earlier

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I was adopted and am trying to locate my mother..I was looking for a website or a place i can take her ssn and and search for her..

A free site would be nice, because i can only find sites that charge $50 or $60..

Im 22 and making it my new years resolution to find her.

Thanks for the help in advance.




  1. if you have SSN then a name is known also. helped me find my son for free after 36 yrs. He had been looking for me. He even had an appointment with a judge and had my name and knew I was 15. But his adopted parents told me what they planned on naming him. A private detective told me they probably lied. But I never gave up. I registered with soundex and other sites but zaba helped me find him for free. I mainly stayed in the state we were in at that time but he had moved 3-4 states away. I found him on Mothers Day 2005.

  2. There are actually a lot of resources out there for finding biological family members.  Here's one that I have used in the past:

    You wanna know something ironic though...I used to put my name and birthday out on ALL the forums and websites I could find.  I was ALWAYS looking for my biological parents.  Not that I wanted a relationship or a family (I LOVE my adopted family), I just had some questions and answers that I needed to know.  

    Anyways, so I was searching and searching all over.  The only information I knew was my birthday, the hospital I was born in, and I knew that my bio-mother was young when she had me.  That's all the info I had.  

    A few years ago, I got a message on (of all the places!) from a woman claiming to be my biological mother.  Well, turns out, after many e-mails, that she was.  

    After all my looking, it was HER who found ME and it wasn't on an adoption forum, it was on classmates.  

    So do all the work you can, get your name and birthday out there, and remember to keep an open mind because no matter how hard you look, the truth could come out of no-where in the most unlikely of places.  

    Good Luck!!

  3. talk to ur step parents and try to ask them if they no anything that might help to



  4. One of the best websites is:  International Soundex Reunion Registry.  There are many "search angels" who will also search for you, as they have already paid many fees to search, and just take it upon themselves to do so.  Join the forums on search websites and start talking to others.  Good luck.

  5. You need to join a group of people searching who help each other - the State specific ones are usually the best way to go

    Can you edit your question so we can point you in the right direction.

    If you have a name I'd be happy to run it through the sites I already subscribe to, just email me, it'd be no trouble at all

    Also join the adoptee rights movement to help reinstate adoptees' rights to their own records of birth

  6. can you edit your question and throw in the state you were surrendered in please?

  7. Okay, I always get thumbs down for my answer to these questions, but I just like to throw other ideas out there that are "outside the box".

    I think the websites and help that the others have offered are great, but I would also like to suggest genealogy sites as well, or even Y!A Genealogy section.  If you know a name that is.  It amazes me how much info my mother has been able to find our family simply with a name and a birthdate thru her genealogy sites.  

    I know for adoptees that it isn't that easy, but it wouldn't hurt to explore all your options.  : )

    Good luck to you.

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