
Person crossing busy street in traffic, car hits and seriously damages?

by  |  earlier

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One driver narrowly avoided, one impacted.

If pedestrian were to die, what kinds of crime would driver be prosecuted for?

What would be likely sentences?

(no, no, no, it ain't me, babe.)




  1. It all depends on if you, oh, the OTHER person was applying makeup, texting or adjusting the car stereo.

    That can be bad, M'Kay?

    If you, (the other person, I mean) was trying to retrieve a lit bit of doobage from the crack between the seat and the console, or trying to fetch a beer off of the other side of the cars floor board? Well, accidents DO happen!

    And of course, you, (the other person I mean,) can always blame this accident on your (their) pet armadillo! They are always soooo needy!

    I know! How many accidents has MY armadillo dude caused? 15? 20?

    Always wanting their tummies rubbed. Or wanting their ears scratched. Or maybe wanting me to clean off the DDT that I use to make sure there are no armadillo fleas or anything else an armadillo might carry!

    I am thinking no more rides for Mr Army! Sad but true! I believe that the police no longer think Mr Scratch my Tummy Armadillo is as cute as he used to be!

    What's next? My friend Phylis the groundhog may start acting up while being carefully belted into her child seat?

    Why do I even bother?

    Or were you trying to get to the Supper Bowl? That is always such a rush around time!

    Just tell your lawyer (their lawyer) the truth! Lawyers are such fine people! They always put the best spin on things! For you (the other driver)!

    There! Feel better now? (The other person?)

    The Pet Ponderer. At your service!

    PS See how helpful I can be and never really answer your question?

    And? Power to the Pawple!

    And please? No more cease and desist orders, please? My days are full enough already!

    Heh heh...

  2. This sounds like just an accident and the drive would not be charged with anything...

  3. was they in the acroos walk and did they have the light..... then they the drive is in a problem but if they the walker didn have the light and or wasnt in the across walk then he run the h**l over

  4. It happened here a few days ago!  The driver was not charged with anything.  The person crossed far from the nearest crosswalk and did not pay attention before moving into the street.  They're alive but not well.

  5. If the driver wasn't speeding or under the influence or drugs or alcohol and was paying attention and couldn't avoid it then the driver is not charged with anything. The driver is only charge if they ran over the pedestrian while intoxicated with drugs or alcohol or had or wasn't paying attention such as talking on the phone, changing radio stations, putting no makup.

    If the pedestrian was in a crosswalk but ran across like a maniac then the driver gets off. If the pedestrian walked carefully across and gets hits the driver is not paying attention. If the pedestrian gets hits in a crosswalk that is green and has the right away for pedestrian and driver hits then driver wasn't paying attention and gets charged. If pedestrian gets hits with no crosswalk driver gets off as long as driver isn't under the influence.

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