
Person was screaming into his cell phone in the book store, is it rude to tell him to quiet down?

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I went into a book store today and was peacefully looking at magazines and then a man came in and started talking very loudly inot his cell phone. I went up to him and stood next to him and just stared for 10 seconds. When that did work I said in just as loud of tone as he was speaking, " no one wants to hear you screaming into your cell phone, go outside" He then finished the call and started screaming at me and told me to mind my own business and I was being rude to approach him.

Who was rude, him or me?




  1. you shud mind ur own bizness

  2. It was not rude to do that. I would have done the same thing. A bookstore is supposed to be a quiet place and not a place for talking on your cell phone so you did the right thing.  

  3. You were both rude.  Yes, someone should give this man a cell phone etiquette lesson, but you should not have been the one to do it.  An employee of the should have kindly asked him to lower his voice.  You could have alerted someone to his behavior and asked for them to handle it.  If he was screaming, then he was already upset and you don't want to provoke someone who obviously can't control their emotions.

  4. question

  5. He was definitely the rude one - not you.  Going into a book store and screaming out loud is disturbing the peace and is not acceptable behaviour.  Anyone who makes such a racket in a store that is meant to be quiet is very inconsiderate and lacking in manners.

    I can understand how much his behaviour must have irritated you, but for your own safety, I wouldn't have recommended confronting him about it.  Leave that to the shop's owners - who no doubt have a security guard in store, who is trained to deal with any threatening/violent behaviour.    

  6. That man was an idiot--on so many levels.  He should have gone outside to do his screaming.  I'm amazed at what I hear when people talk (or scream) on their cell phones.  Many people even talk on their cells in public bathrooms, amid toilets flushing.

    You were not rude--HE was, and you weren't wrong per se, but people like that are unstable and they really are not worth putting your safety in jeopardy.  I know it's hard to keep quiet (and I too would have wanted to smash his phone after he had the gall to yell at me and call me rude), but what if he had hurt you?  As I have gotten older, I've really heeded the advice of others who tell me there are some real nut jobs out there and I'm learning to keep my mouth shut.  

  7. I would have ripped the cell phone out of his hands and smashed it on the ground.

  8. I think you could have been a little nicer in the way that you asked him to quiet down, for example: "Would you mind talking a little quieter or going outside?" But overall he was being really rude.

  9. He was rude not you but you know, it's never wise to confront screaming people; they're unstable.

  10. Of course he was being rude, you had every right to tell him to be quiet or go outside. I can't stand it when people talk louly on their cell phones in public places like that. They look like fools too.

  11. Honestly both of you were rude. He was rude for entering the bookstore screaming in his cell phone. You were rude for screaming at him in a bookstore. Just like he disturbed you, you disturbed others. Your idea was correct, but you method was wrong. I would have approached him and quietly asked him to lower his tone. If he didn't, then I would take it up with store management. I think you handled it well, but a bookstore was not the place to do that in that manner.

  12. You were not being rude he just couldnt handle the truth  

  13. Someone I know would probably say that you both were rude. (I could be wrong.)  I think he was rude and I give kudos to you for standing up for yourself and others. Some people think they are the center of the universe.  

  14. It was more rude that he was screaming into his cell phone at a book store.

  15. In a way both of you but him, much more. He should not be screaming into his cell phone and should not have started yelling at you but it is rude to stare and rude to say that no one wants to hear him do that and to go outside. Some people are sensitive and to him that might have sounded bossy. I am sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear, truly I am, but it's the truth.  

  16. He was the rude one.

  17. Try that s**+te at the Borders Books on Chestnut St. in Philadlphia - you'll wind up in dumpster in the alley behind the store.

    I'd watch your self-righteous "stare".  Could get you hurt.

  18. You were rude.

    Rude pig. Rudey-face. Rude jerk.

    Actually, jk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jkjk jk jk jk jk!!!! lulz

    The guy probably had a dying mother.  So yeah, you were ruder.

  19. No, it would only have been rude of you if you had snatched the f*cking thing out of his hand and smashed it on the floor (which what I would have done).

    Cell phones are the invention of the devil.  

  20. Here's what I would have done- because it WAS incredible rude of him... and because I don't think it's MY place to confront him.... I would have gone to tell a store employee and ask that HE/SHE confront the man.

  21. Him. Sounds like a real douchebag. You weren't rude, it was actually appropriate to punch him in the face.

  22. He was extremely rude to yell in a bookstore, he's disturbing the peace. I think, the way you handled the situation would've been a little better. I think it would've been better to tap him on the shoulder &say something like, "Sir, would you mind stepping outside &talking on your phone out there?" in the most polite manner. I wouldn't be too happy if someone said to me "No one wants to hear you screaming into your cell phone", I'd be a little offended probably because I didn't realize I was talking loudly, especially since I naturally have a loud voice.

  23. he was rude, but i would have handled it a little differently.  i would have either gotten a bookstore employee or simply said "excuse me sir, you're disturbing the rest of us, could you please speak quietly?".  your reaction sounded more confrontational, but i don't think it was rude.

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