
Person with Sun Scorpio, Moon Cancer and Venus Sagg ??

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How is he in Love? can you describe for me please :)

thanks !!




  1. Mars is important as well, but with a Cancer moon and Scorpio sun he must be quite romantic and will sense your feelings so he will know what you need. He might be a bit clingy but he just doesn't want to let you go. He needs his privacy. Mars is compared to the females Venus...

  2. The Moon in Cancer: is also very moody. There is great ability to just absorb sense impressions and not forget them. The sign of Cancer doesn’t like to throw anything away. People with this placement of the Moon will never forget if you hurt their feelings, although they may forgive on rare occasions. The Moon here doesn’t think about things as much as it meditates on them, turning them over in the mind again and again. There has to be some other factor in the horoscope to get the person to actually act. Otherwise, they tend to just sit there. If you have this Moon position, get up and move. Do something. Anything. Action is especially good for you. It gets you out of your moods and the things you accomplish may actually make you happy.

      When you find the Moon in the sign of Cancer you find it is dignified and in the sign over which it exerts rulership. You would do well, (although the Cancer Moon relationship is excellent) to advise the native to make every effort to maintain an emotional balance. You should also warn him not to be over dramatic, possessive, or invoke too many domestic rearrangements.

       When the Moon is posited in Cancer there is a combination of initiative and of flexibility. You should caution your client to exercise discrimination and mental discipline. If emotional impulses are surrendered there will be a demonstration of changeability and some degree of laziness or selfishness may occur.

    Venus in Sagittarius: No, Venus in Sagittarius is not fickle. People with this placement are just looking for an ideal, and ideal lovers are rare, to say the least. So they keep looking. Their love-making style tends to be rather straightforward. If you have your eye on someone with this placement, start out by being their pal.

    The native is very idealistic especially in matters connected to his love nature. He sometimes finds love when on a journey or in the pursuit of new studies, the love changes as the ideal changes. If he is to find true happiness the native must learn to control the restlessness and changeability of his nature. If he cannot do this he will continually be in a state of confusion very unsure of his ideals.

       He can be light-hearted and impressionable, very fond of pleasures and intensely involved in love affairs affecting his honor. He will be involved in powerful friendships with lasting affections. Aside from the negative points, this position can be good and afford him a depth of human feeling, with a willingness to assist others.

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