
Personal Belief of Global Warming?

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Do you believe in global warming?

Please tell me your honest opinion! I'm curious as to how the numbers will play out...




  1. Global Warming according to  Al Gore ?  No, I don't believe it.

    Global Warming as a natural occurrence, as the earth goes through natural cycles of warming and cooling,  yes,  I do believe.

    Al Gore makes money off of a "crisis",  doesn't that make you wonder?  It does me.

  2. i wasn't alive the last time it happened so i couldn't tell you...somethings happening ....

    temperatures are rising!

    so i would have to believe

  3. If something has to be believed, then it isn't real.

    No one debates what the speed of light is, or how fast objects fall, as these are examples of real science.

    Things that require faith to believe are better left for preachers.

    No science can predict the future.

  4. You are correct in asking for opinions, as that is all anyone has at this time-put me down for no, no studies support the theory of global warming as defined by the ultra liberal obama/gore idiocy.

  5. I believe the THEORY of global warming is a cult that's ultimate goal is to steer us toward a socialistic society. The problem is most thinking people won't believe the c**p that the liberals are trying to cram down their throats!! Thank God!!

  6. <<I'm curious as to how the numbers will play out>>

    just look at bob's thumbs.

    7 down, 1 up.

    even though the science he quotes is accurate.

    says quite a lot about the people around here.

    one might note that even Bush says it's real, and we need to do something about it.

    one wonders how long they'll hang on to their rejected beliefs.

  7. Yes, really I beleive on global warming, but interesting how people always pose it as do you 'believe' in global warming other than, 'do you think its real?'. I mean nobody debates how fast light and sound are, or do they experiment to find out how strong gravities pull is, to make an object fall, global warming, isn't something that is per se, NASA science, but its something that us environmentalists, try to prevent,

    I mean even after all of this information is thrown in front of these "non" believer's faces all that they have to say is, HIPPIES! or GREENIES! or TREE HUGGERS!

    The cutting and burning of rain forests, and everybody is aware that the ice caps are melting.

    But here's a quick definition of 'Global Warming':

    Global warming is the emissions of Carbon dioxide, and or 'greenhouse gas emissions' into the atmosphere, caging the sun's heat rays that were usally allowed to escape, and therfor rising the Earth's average temperatures, in theory, and melting the polar icecaps. or 'perma frost' also causing more severe weather patterns.

    Global warming is in a way more than a beleif, environmentalists, like me, and 'non' beleivers, and even as I call naturalists. argue that in the environmentalists eyes, mankind is creating global warming, in the non beleiver's, they argue that we are obsessive tree huggers, and scientists are simply cooking up a scam to make money, however in the natualists eyes, global warming is simply Earth's natural process,

    I am stuck between the environmentalist's and the naturalist's oppinion, I care about the environment and help take care of it, because it's important, but here's what I think about global warming, I think that it is just Earth's natural process, but mankind is speeding up the process, like a million years ago eh? When the dinosaurs, romed the Earth.

    The comet that hit caused the Earth to freeze, which is what's happening now, only with our pollution.

    That is my oppinion,


    Courtney D.

  8. Yup. Well........

    The weather's been extreme and it always changes. And thears heapsa disasters it seems. So i guess i do.

    I dont know if its going to be as catastrophic as they say but i do think somethings definitely happening because of how our planet's been mistraeted for so long. I guess we all just have to wait for it.......

  9. NO...

    The earth maybe gettign hotter but its because of the sun..

    Our sun goes through definate hot and cool periods right now just seems to be a increase in solar activitiy

    i would read the book 'State of Fear' by michael Crichton it may clear some stuff up for you

  10. "No one debates what the speed of light is, or how fast objects fall, as these are examples of real science."

    Then you've obviously never had a conversation with quantum physicist.

    "No science can predict the future."

    But predicting the future is the entire application of science.

    For example: We can use Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to approximate the gaseous absorption spectra carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide and other "greenhouse gases".  Then we can predict that if these are present in a sample, the electromagnetic emissivity of the sample will increase. Simple Thermofluiddynamics and Organic Chemistry.

    Of course, I believe the biggest greenhouse gas is water vapor. But then, the amount of vapor is a function of temperature (Henry's Law of Partial Pressures), and so it cannot cause warming, only exaserbate it.

  11. everyone is upset because the Earth should be in a cooling period that would toss us into another ice age, I'm personally glad we have global warming though since I'm not that keen on being in an ice age at the moment

  12. There's a political scam underway called global warming/climate change.  It's aim is to hurriedly (time's up...debate's over) get everyone on board before they have time to consider what exactly it is they're joining.  They'll be pretty angry down the road when they realize it's all dirty politics and financing socialism.  It won't matter because by then it will be too late for them to live their normal lives again.

    Put me down as a 'no'.

  13. It really isn't a matter of belief or opinion - sorry - the scientific evidence is stark and irrefutable. That debate is over.

  14. First of all, global warming is not a "personal belief" issue.  It is a scientific issue, and, based on what scientists are saying, I am about 95% convinced that AGW is real and will have major consequences.

  15. "Global warming" according to Al Gore? Nope. "Global warming" as a natural occurance? IS summer, after all. It's no hotter now than it was when I was a kid.

  16. global climate seem normal today as i see it

  17. Appears that everyone can relax.  Melting Arctic ice.  Under sea lava eruptions and lava ooze.  A rift from Greenland to Siberia under the Arctic sea.  The lava flow was first noted in 1999.  The same year the ice began melting back.  At the same time, copious CO2 emissions.  Lava at 3000 degrees F.  Miles and miles of undersea ooze.  Much like the Hawaiian setup.  Makes Al Gore look like the Court Dunce.  As well as all the Chicken Little 'sky is falling' hysterics.

  18. I 'believe' in GW the same way I 'believe' in love, imagination, happiness, gravity, my high cholestorol, partial pressure over wings allows us to fly and many other things that I haven't seen...

    As usual, there is a ton of BS out there but Jelly sums the BS up...

    "If something has to be believed, then it isn't real.":

    If I believe in Dr. Jelly, does this mean he isn't real?

    "I think, therefore I am", in essence, is to prove my reality, I have to believe in it.

    "No one debates what the speed of light is, or how fast objects fall, as these are examples of real science."

    Nope. Those debates go on all the time!

    What isn't debated is the basic truth of the matter - the fine details, the exact mechanisms, etc, get debated - exactly where we should be with GW.

    "Things that require faith to believe are better left for preachers."

    Hope Jelly's not a parent then!

    Most parents have faith in their children. Most parents aren't preachers.

    Most people in an accident have faith that help will come. Most medics aren't preachers.


    "No science can predict the future."

    Actually, nearly all science is about predicting the future!

    1) Observe

    2) Explain (theorise)

    3) Predict (based on theory)

    4) Check prediction through experiment

    The science of gravity predicts that if the string holding the piano over Jelly's head breaks then...

    Personal plea:

    To all irrational skeptics - please move to religion and spirituality!

    To all rational skeptics - please stay so we can have some good, constructive, adult debates!

  19. Yes, the planet is warming and humans are the main cause.  See the link below for an explanation of how we know this.

  20. Global Warming is just the next Bird Flu. The media went nuts over how Bird Flu was going to mutate and kill us all. Do you hear anything about it anymore? I sure don't. It's just propaganda.

    'Global Warming' is a natural cycle the earth goes through over a certain number of years. It's completely normal, but they won't tell you that on TV.

    I'm not saying to go and trash the environment, but I think Global Warming is a bunch of garbage (no pun intended) people can make money off of. I respect everyone's opinion, but in a few years, I don't think we'll hear anymore about it.

  21. theres no need to worry about the global warming. we wont be a live to see the polar ice caps melt and drown the world. i dont believe in it. if there is global warming its china's fault. there is like 2 or 3 billion people living there.

  22. I don't believe in it, I KNOW it's real, and mostly caused by us.  Massive proof of that below, mostly in the links.

    This is science and what counts is the data, not people's intuition.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

    EDIT - Hey, I like the fact that I get even more thumbs down than Dana.  Shows that the "skeptics" are more scared of me, and my science.  I win.

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