
Personal Question. Are there any nurses out there? (women only)?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, here is the thing. I am a sixteen year old girl, and I am still a virgin. I am not anorexic, I have healthy eating habits, I'm not stressed, (sometimes I get a little stressed but that is a given.)

For the past, maybe four years, I have been having my period on and off. One time my period lasted for three months straight, and another time I didn't get it until five months later. I HATE doctors, and my parents are prone to overreaction, so I wont see a doctor, and I wont tell my parents. Tell me, is this normal? I know everyone has a different kind of cycle, but...

Someone PLEASE help!




  1. that's seriously NOT normal...

    i'd say to take birth control,

    because that will definitely regulate your period.

    and if you ever happen to have s*x...

    then you're somewhat safe(:

    although, i would tell your parents, and see a doctor.

    that might be serious, and you need to get it checked.

  2. You should go to the doctor and make sure that ur uterus is in tip top shape, ur never too young to be sick. And hopefully nothing is wrong and u can take birth control to regulate ur period.

  3. Thats not normal. You should probably talk to your mom about it and get into the Dr. Birth control pills will def help to regulate it.  

  4. Like you said, everyone's cycles are different. How old were you when you started getting your period? If it was just recently, then it may even itself out.  However, if you had your first period when you were like 12-13, it should be more regulated by now.  It isn't normal to have your period for three months straight, and it isn't normal not to get it for 5 months either.  Sometimes if women are underweight, they will stop getting their period. Your period is regulated by hormones that are released from your brain and ovaries.  The irregularities you describe lead me to believe that your hormones are not in proper balance.  I would suggest going to a doctor.  Best of luck.

  5. you should prob try birth control to regulate ur periods

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