
Personal best anyone want to give me a high five?

by  |  earlier

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shot my best of 91 today ive been playing for 9months i want a high five ahah




  1. High five....wait awwww you were too slow

  2. High Five for sharing that with half of the world.

    Have a good one...

  3. hi-5!

  4. Must be an easy course, straight fairways, short par 4's no bunkers. =P

    HIGH 5!

  5. Keep up the good work. Just remember, there will be goods and many bad.  Just keep playing and having fun.

  6. Keep it up. I've been playing for at least 7 years(I'm 13) and my best is a 92. High 5!

  7. ^5

  8. Not bad for someone who's been playing for less than a year! High 5 from me.

  9. High 5! Very nice!

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