
Personal guys problem.. what should i do ?

by  |  earlier

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ok girls.. what exactly are you doing here ... ?




  1. hahahahahaha very sneaky, but ya wat are u doin here

    and iam the one that is gonna give all the girls that answer this a thumbs up

  2. listening to you guys ***** about the size of your penises, working out, having weird bumps/lumps... yanno. exactly what YOUR doing here

  3. Reading questions about flacid weenies and acne. You?

    Spouse? Do you have a problem with your wife? Or your weenie?

  4. I'm a girl and I am on here for this...

    =] I just got 2 free points!

  5. i like hearing you guys ***** about your ******* problems.

  6. Trying to see what your personal problem is, but I got free points instead! Thanks!

  7. This is pretty funny. I always wondered how many women read this section.

  8. Well then, if you don't truely have any problems, perhaps you should take your overinflated ego and leave.

    If the girls have legitimate questions, I don't see any reason to be chauvanistic, which you clearly are, they are perfectly free to ask them.  

    Why don't you go sit in a corner until you have something intelligent to say, and then come back.  Maybe we'll have a solution for you.

  9. thats funny, more girls here than dudes lmao and they c were dirty lol

  10. i am a guy, and just got 2 points!

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