
Personal opinions on the current UK stance within the EU?

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i've got a rather important interview in the coming weeks and id just like to gain an insight of british citizens opinion on the current UK stance within the EU.




  1. why not join up with texas when it seceds from the union next election? next we can pick up all of new england and off  we go. we choose an american prime minister and a brit minister of finance ( a scot of course) and then you are headed for success.

  2. I think they support the Mullah's of the EU

  3. Having worked in Brussels for four years as EU Affairs Executive for a British-based company with businesses around the EU I hope that I may be of help.  To a large degree the British anti-EU stance is driven partially by the experiences of two world wars, but more importantly by a comparative remoteness from the rest of Europe, notwithstanding ferries, Eurostar and cheap flights.  Continental Europeans cross borders and visit other EU countries far more often, simply because travel connections are so much easier.

    British citizens are also far more influenced by former colonial relationships than other EU countries.  This is contrasted by a far closer neighbourship feeling amongst continental Euroeans.  Finally, British people are far less multi-lingual than EU counterparts and therefore less able to adapt to EU cultural differences.  From personal experience in Brussels I would say that the unwillingness of the British to be truly European should lead to withdrwal from the EU as it approaches political federalism.  Ironically, Britain abides by EU legislation to a far greater extent than any other EU member state.

    Good luck with your interview.The British Channel (La Manche) is a significant barrier.

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