
Personal problem please help...?

by  |  earlier

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ok this is my situation i've been with this guy for 5 years(oreo) . (on and off) (we used to live together) for august of '06 i met this guy and started talking to him.(lets say his name is oj) i was still oreo. by christmas i wasnt with oreo anymore but we were still seeing eachother. and i was still talking to oj. so we went deeper me and oj in dec-31 we had s*x and we kept going out. i got pregnant by oj i told him and he told me to abort. so i feft from his life meanwhile my ex came that he needed help (i didnt know i was preggo) we went back together lets say a month later and we started living together and i foundout i was preggo. so oreo thought it was his but my calculations were that it wasnt oreos but ojs. now the baby is here and i didnt tell oreo that the baby isnt his and ge got him registered under his name so my baby has his step fathers lastname. now the real dad comes in after like 7 months after not seeing me the baby is maybe 2 months old and now he wants to know him. so he told me he wanted to see the baby and i did let him its been going on for like 7 months like that and nobody knows. but the real dad. now he wants me to get my baby registered under his last name not my current husband. we recently got mad at eachother me and oj and he send my sister an email telling her that my baby is his. now my question is how do i go about telling my sisiter the truth???? or my family...i kinda though about telling them that i want to fix my life but its hard because my heart belongs to my husband not the babys dad but the bays dad wants me to be with him but i dont want to because he is an a*****e




  1. "Personal problem" isn't even the word for it.

    "oreo", "oj", abortions, "don't know who da babydaddy is"....all this c**p.

    Stellar existance you got there!

  2. Your husband dosnt  know the baby could not be his or isnt his? Well.. sometimes the truth is better left unspoken. I wouldnt have told OJ anything either. You husband is going to find out one day. Either your going to have to tell him or someone else will. Youve caused alot of drama and its up to you to fix what you did. If it would have been me, I wouldnt have said anything to anyone and just gone on with my life. Less drama.

  3. Tell everyone the truth. You shouldn't have lied in the first place and this mess would never have happened. If your husband loves you, he will try to work things out. Your family should be understanding and supportive.

    It will make you feel better to tell the truth and you wont feel burdened by the secret anymore.  

  4. There's always the Maury Show.

  5. This is a real pile of c**p.  People don't act like this!

  6. you need to tell orio first....honestly your family doesn't ahve to know, if they ask you tell, but if they don't ask there's no need to give information freely. in that there is no lie...But you NEED tot ell oreo because 1-the kid is not his, 2- he's your husband and has a right to know.

    OJ sounds like an *** to me!

  7. Ok so you left OJ because he told you to abort (so you obviously knew you were pregnant) and then went back to Oreo but didn't find out you were pregnant until a month later?  I am completely confused.

  8. What a mess.  The truth is that nothing will ever get better until you come clean.  Sit down with your sister & family.  Just let it out.  Tell Oreo the truth.  OJ has a right to see his kid you know?  You made a h**l of a mess so it's on you to clean it up.

  9. u just confused the h**l out of me but i got u. BE HONEST FOR UR CHILDS SAKE. better come out now than later

  10. What does "(oreo)" mean?

  11. My first question is how old are you? The fact that you made up the fact at first that you were pregnant and you weren't sounds to me that you are quite young. You have no choice but to fess up and have a paternity test done to determine exactly who is the biological father of your child. And be prepared that your husband will be hurt because of your lies. Your child and husband deserve to know the truth. Good luck sweetie. Sounds like you are gonna need it.

  12. Prozac.

  13. well.. you are going to have to tell hubby the deal.. since oj knows/thinks he is the dad... he can file for paternity test... this is quite a scene you are in... just shows that honesty at first settles many issues that arise later on..  

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