
Personal question...Might be icky or TMI!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I am 38 weeks along, and having a c-section on the 10th. Th is is my 2nd girl. As of last monday the ultrasound said she's around 8 lbs ( I know they can be wrong but my first baby was 10 1/2 lbs at birth so im thinkin it could be right) and i've had braxton hicks since 27 weeks. Since around last wednesday i've had not really diarrhea but it's been loose. Roughly 6-7 times a day and I have the hemorrhoids so it's very uncomfortable. I read in the "what to excpect" book that its a sign of prelabor and last thursday I had lots of pressure that would come and go. I never lost my mucus plug(that I know of) or had the bloody show with my first and my water didnt break until the dr broke it. I'm just wondering if labor might be soon or i'm just being paranoid.




  1. You're showing all the signs of pre-labor. Does your doctor know about the mucus plug ? You know as this is going to be another C the doctor may want to operate, No point going through the pains of labor and then have a planned C-section. See your doctor PLEASE!

  2. I had loose stool for a week a couple weeks before I actually gave birth. I would sit down for dinner, lunch, etc and not even be able to make the whole meal with out running to the bathroom!

  3. My due date is in 4 days.Ive had lose stools , so much pressure that hurts to get up, i lost my mucus plug 3 days ago and have a bad  backache, I have been cleaning like crazy. and im stilll pregnant . I now know that ill never know if labor is soon i thought these were all signs. i guess not.  good luck, i hope we go soon, very soon.

  4. Even if it is, you'll still have our c-section.  Unfortunately all these signs are also just signs of late pregnancy.

  5. well it could be soon but i'm not 100% sure. If your suppose to have a c-section you should be calling and asking you doctor this. what if you start to go into labor or something when your suppose to have a c-section.

  6. You should call your doctor anytime you have pain or pressure just in case...but you should tell your doctor that you are worried about going into labor...have ur dr. check to see if you are dilated.

  7. Its hard to tell because labor can come at any point. Diarrhea is a pre labor symptom  a lot of women have. There are lots other things to watch for to though. Like a pain in back that radiates to the front belly lasting at least a min. It will feel like the uterus is tightening! They must be 5 min or less apart. Also I think you would know if you lost your plug because it is real mucus like and can have some bloody tinge. Also false labor will stop if you get up and move around. Hope all works out and if all else fails you'll have baby after the c-section. Keep your doctor informed of all these things!

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