
Personal space rule in check out lines?

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Why is it when i am in line it seems like the person behind me is always breathing down my neck?! Isn't there some personal space rule? I try to stay a resonable distance behind other customers. These people that stand so close have me thinking they are trying to steal something from my purse! What do you think?




  1. That is one of my top 5 pet peeves. There should be at least an arm's length space between people checking out. I don't know if these people are thinking the closer they stand, the sooner they'll check-out or they're just not aware of how close they are. My wife has no problem asking these idiots to back up, but I prefer a more subtle approach. If I can feel their breath on me or even worse, they're bumping me with the front of their cart/basket while unloading, I'll turn my head & start coughing "uncontrollably" without covering my mouth. Works every time.

  2. They like think they will get out faster if they push you forward. Some people have no manners whatsoever.

  3. Vanessa I know how you feel and I really hate that too.

    They think that by standing so close that the line will move faster is all I  can think of. Never thought about being robbed by any of them LOL.

  4. Man, I can't STAND that.  I think they inch their way up closer and closer and closer thinking it'll make the line go quicker or something.  I started standing in front of my cart to give some room.  It REALLY got under my skin when I was pregnant.

  5. not everyone has the same personal space. it depends on where you come from.  a new yorker who is used to being packed on a crowded subway  compared to a texas ranch hand who sees people only when he comes into town.   well one is going to get too close just because hes used to being in a crowd and the other will get too close because hes lonely.

    you have two choices

    #1 you can put up with the close humanity

    #2  say something . like excuse me it makes me feel uncomfortable to have someone so close can you please give me a little space.

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