
Personal trainers???

by  |  earlier

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how much does it cost to have a personal trainer for martial arts???




  1. That depends on many factors.



    Type of Training


    Amount of Training

    I know one who charges 100-300 a month, meeting around once a week for a few hours. Though he is available for communication and extra work at no real charge.

    I can also think of some that charge an enormous fee, upwards of 100 a session meeting whenever possible.

    I've been fortunate enough to have personal training and not have to pay. Those are great, rare but wonderful finds. If you ask your friends and coworkers you might find that they know somebody and through that you might get in a little more under the table.

    Good luck.

  2. It's normally around 30.00 per hour... You'd do better asking to see if dojo's have smaller classes, without kids....

    Good Luck

  3. That depends on the trainer.  My instructor gets $100 per hour.  I know of some that charge several times that.  Personally I charge $25 per 1/2 hour. There is no exercise the time is devoted to fixing problems and working new techniques.
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