
Personalized Vatican tour?

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I'll be in Rome towards the end of June with my foks who have seen the Vatican a few times already (this will be my first time). My mom and I are fairly educated in art history and my dad's clueless but we like him anyway. ANYWAY! I'm wondering if anyone knows of a respectable organization or person whom we can contact for a personalized unique tour of the Vatican. Specifically we are looking for the 'usual' (Sistine, St. Peter's, Raphael Rooms), but something a little extra or some really great presentation of the history would be welcome. Please link any sites you know of. Thanks.




  1. Inside the Vatican there are free guides (usually young men and women who are there working in some voluntary capacity...many of them are native English speakers.) Ask them and they will guide you around.

    The queue to enter the Vatican will be very long. Be sure you have water and a hat with you. No sharp objects will be permitted inside, no matter how innocuous you consider them to be (nail files, hairgrips)...leave them at the hotel.

    The queue to enter the Sistine will take you upwards of 5 hours. Therefore, be sure that you really, really want to see it.

  2. I would speak to the concierge at the hotel you're staying at. They can personalize just about any tours you want. Of course, cost goes up, as the more personalized the tour.

  3. Should be perfect for what you want:

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