
Persuading my dad to let me have a budgie?

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Right I have a really good friend , and he has a budgie , every time he goes on holiday he asks me to look after his budgie . I really want one of my own , the problem is my dad . I have only ever had one pet before , a hamster which died ,and my dad has always said no eversince the day it died . i need to convince my dad to let me get a budgie . he always says no not untill you own your own house , and no your not old enough , for god sake im 15 an i cant even have a pet , please come up with some lines i can tell my dad which in order will convince him to let me have a budgie cheers




  1. Well, when I was persuading my parents to let me have a Quaker I wrote this paper about them. That helped a lot. You can also explain to him how you've taken care of your friend's bird, and tell him how their small and cute, but live quite long so it won't die like the hamster. Well, I suppose you'll move out before it dies and you'll take it with. Tell him you'll save up the cash and he won't have to pay for the cage or toys (say this only if you're up to it). Tell him that you'll never be bored with a bird and that it's a great way to learn to be responsible (even more then you already are...... I think). Tell him the budgie will live in your room (if it can) so that your dad doesn't have to even look at it. Say that you will clean the cage by yourself.

    I think that's all i can think of now because my mind went blank, but email me if you need anything else. Such as sites about birds, tips, useful books, or a site where you can get a bird shipped to you. I know this really awesome one, but I'm not on my computer now so I don't know what it's called.

    Hope you can persuade your dad. Birds are awesome pets!

  2. First of all, make sure that you're ready to own budgies. Besides, your dad's approval is critical since he's the one who's gonna take the bird to the vet if it gets sick, and he's the one who will fund the budgie's ongoing and once-a-time expenses. Here are some critical things you need to know about keeping a pet budgie:

    Before you get your own budgie, you have to make sure that you are capable of owning a budgie. You need to give them at least 30 minutes of daily interaction (physical and direct talking) if they're to be tame, and you'll need to take some environmental precautions to accommodate their sensitive emotional and physical capabilities -- no Teflon cookware, no yappy kids or other predatory pets are among the top things here. Visit to find an entire list of things toxic to birds, or Google it yourself. And pet birds need their own vet, called an avian vet, if they get sick -- visit to find the nearest one. Also keep in mind that a well-kept budgie lives up to 15 years, and if it is separated from its owner it suffers trauma -- so think twice if you're young and will be going to college or are thinking of a disposable pet (I don't think there should be any). Above all, keep researching, researching, researching before you get your pet budgie -- a researched owner enjoys each and every moment with its pet.

    Another thing I'd like to say is that if you want a pet bird, don't buy, adopt one instead. There are so many good abandoned birds out there in parrot shelters, and buying fresh ones worsens their conditions and their future generations'. Visit to find the nearest parrot shelter. They are dedicated to rehabbing and rehoming abandoned, neglected or abused birds in good, forever homes. You can get your bird from them for a fraction of the pet store price, and you'll also know about the bird's personality you're going to get from them. So it's an all-around great source to get your pet bird from.

  3. Maybe you can read up and learn about budgies and then show him how responsible you can be.  That just might help.

  4. Tell him that you are old enough to make your own disisions and why do you have to pay for his mistake

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