
Pertaining to powerpoint presentation....What can I do to make it more effective?

by  |  earlier

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Also, I will need to know where you found the information.




  1. You can use powerpoint templates to make the presentation more effective.

    Here are some:

    PowerPoint Templates -

    Brain Betty -

    Animation Factory -

    Google Docs -

    Presentation Load -

    Presentation Pro -

    Additionally you can make handouts, add sound, animations or transitions between the slides.


  2. My number one rule is LESS IS MORE.

    Do NOT use your powerpoint as your script. Use it to highlight the important parts of what you are saying. As far as I'm concerned - don't use bullets - pull out a few key words. Use pictures.

    NEVER put something on a slide that you are not going to be talking about assuming that it will be a good way to get the information to the audience. It isn't. It is a good way to make the audience get totally distracted from what you are saying and think that there was a mistake.

    Beware charts. Unless you are going to walk the audience through something, dumb the chart down to just a few key items - the bars and the callouts or whatever. If you've scaled the chart from 0 and are calling out the data numbers, you don't even need to show a scale or gridlines or any of that junk. Keep it clean. Or just put the big numbers on the slide and skip the chart unless it quickly and easily shows the information.

    More color and animation does not make it better.

    Learn to speak publicly - go to Toastmasters. If you are a great speaker,  your Powerpoint presentation is significantly less important.

    Just some stuff off the top of my head. I know I have plenty of other rules. If I think of them I'll add more.  

  3. Use PowerPoint template to attract others and add some animations to PowerPoint presentation.

    There are many free PowerPoint templates for you:

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