
Peru and the UK oil production??? 2?

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daughters ill said i will help her with her geography homework about the Uk and Peru oil production if you can answer any of these please do thank you

1)suggest plausable conclusions into energy in peru and the Uk

2) explain how both human and physical characteristics interact to produce distinctive differences between Uk and Peru

3) describe the ways that new forms of energy ahve had an impact on Peru and the Uk.

4)Explain conflicting demands over energy rescources are affecting people in different ways

5) explain pressure on how the worlds energy consumption and fears about global warming are having an impact on people in different ways.

6) explain that human actions may have unintended enviormental consewuences that could lead to conflict.

7) explain that susatinable development will affect the planning and management of energy resources in Peru and the Uk in different ways.




  1. Why on earth Peru and the UK?- a strange combination.

    1.  Plausible conclusions about what, with regard to energy in Peru and the UK?  You need to ask a question.  

    Some facts from which you can draw some conclusions appropriate to whatever question you're supposed to be answering:

    Peru's oil production:  120,000 barrels of oil per day

    UK:  2,075,000 bbl/day

    The production of both countries is declining, due in part to the near total development of the UK's reserves (and the difficulty of accessing what's left under the North Sea) and to the depletion of reserves and lack of investment in Peru.

    2.  Peru and the UK are very different.  The UK has a centuries-long history of commercialization and industrial development, which helped it develop its oil reserves, while post-colonial Peru struggles like similar countries to develop the capital and infrastructure for efficient oil production (and is hampered by the fact that there wasn't much to begin with).

    3. There are no new forms of energy.  There are however, alternative energy SOURCES that can affect both- particular examples are the development of wind and now tidal/wave power in Scotland.  Peru again suffers from a lack of capital investment and technological infrastructure to develop and implement such technologies on anything but the smallest scale (though I imagine some of the mountainous regions there might be suited for wind power).

    4  Conflicting demands over energy resources basically do two things- makes economic competitors out of countries, driving energy process up, and makes political competitors out of countries, bringing the risk of armed strife.

    5  Same as above, but conflicts fought on the deck of a sinking ship.

    6  Human actions may have unintended environmental consequences that could lead to conflict.  (that's what your question literally asked me to do).  

    Limited resources always cause conflict.  Take any action that depletes available resources below a critical point (use all the water, ruin the farmland, eat all the fish or whatever) and you'll cause conflict and competition over resources.

    7  Sustainable development isn't really a phenomenon on its own, so it doesn't really have the effects you described.  It's a goal of the planning and management, etc.

    If you were to make your questions less vague, we'd be able to be of more help.

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