
Perve teacher?

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I think my french teacher is a pervert ! Today is our first time with our new timetable ( were 16) and when he came to open the classroom door he said " just girls" and then looked at us all with that kind of creepy , friendly , evil kind of smile as if to say yessss !!

These two boys came in and said they were joining the class (there was only about 7 girls) and he was saying stuff like you will get homework every night and this is not a class for fun and no laughing to the boys and he didnt say stuff like that to us ! And then he told us all to pronounce a french word like ooh aahh (like sexual noises) we did that for like 50 mins ! I feel uncomfortable around him. He's about 60 and I dunno if he's just really friendly and trying to teach us to be able to pronounce words or not its just wierd. I thinik I might just be paranoid ?? What do you think ? I dont want to report it to anyone cause im not certain . I just want to know what are some of the signs that he is a perve ?? He said




  1. It's kind of hard to say whether he is a pervert without witnessing his behavior first hand.  I'll tell you what I've always told my daughter -- if someone, or some situation is making you uncomfortable, trust that feeling.  

    I'm not saying report him or anything, just be aware and don't be alone with him.  It may be that he is just quirky, and not a danger.  If you continue to feel uncomfortable, talk to someone at the school - counselor, principal, another teacher who you trust.  Have you spoken to your parents about it?  I would definitely keep them informed.

  2. I agree, you're paranoid.

  3. My head track coach WAS a pervert. One day I was laying on the bleachers resting after practice and he came up and started rubbing my UPPER THIGHS!!! I threw shot put and discus and told him if he ever touched me again, he'd find a shot put through his car window!

    Speak up if you think its really going on!!

  4. Wow, difficult subject.  I am a male teacher & I have found that some people are quick to judge me because I am a man in a "woman's" profession.  

    However, I would advise you to talk to another teacher, counselor or your principal.  They need to know how he is acting so that they can observe his behavior.  They would be able to tell you whether or not he is acting inappropriately.

  5. i think you might be worrying yourself too hard. you did say he was 60, and for guys that old, it is customary to treat women different than men. now if he starts commenting on physical attributes or starts doing something ACTUALLY physical, i would suggest speaking to someone about it. but with the proof you have given us right now, if you start talking to someone, you dont have much of a case.

  6. I would tell your principal and see what they think.

  7. I would just wait and see he might just be being nice, sometimes it can seem kind of creepy, especially if they fit the perv stereotype.  I had a teacher like that, he was a Spanish teacher, maybe its something to do with language departments. He used to be really touchy, but we all knew he was pretty harmless, but it was a bit uncomfortable sometimes.  Just see how it goes. x*x

  8. he is probably just a little wierd however i wouldnt be alone with him in a room no matter what i thought his intentions were. No male teacher needs to be alone with a female student at any time,

  9. is he french? if he is, you might just be paranoid. the french teacher at my school was weird but he was a really good guy... as for signs, you already listed some. ask your classmates what they think and if they all have the same sentiments as you, go talk to your school counselor. you can never be too safe, just be honest. you have the right to a comfotable working environment. good luck
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