
Pet Lizard Help?

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Ok so i bought a long tail lizard yesterday a 10 gallon tank a 25 watt bulb a tree stump thats hollow with 2 leaves sticking out (which i filled with water) and some tree pieces that i put around the tank. The tank current has like 8 crickets running around and i have 1 long tail lizard and 2 Fence Lizards in their. I dont care much fro the fecne lizards as i caught them in my back yard however i have noticed that my long tailed lizard breathing is pretty fast, atleast when compared to the breathing of the 2 fence lizards. I also read online thats its not good to mix species, should i put the other 2 back in the wild? If so what other kinds of lizards can i put in the tank or is a 10 gallon tank only enough for 1 lizard. At PetSmart they had like 10 lizards in a tank that was half the size of the one i bought. The tank i bought was also supposed to be a fish tank, so their are no air holes, should i allow air to vent in or just leave it be? Also should i take out the extra crickets?




  1. don't believe people at pet smart most of them lack knowledge

  2. i wouldn't mix them. especially if you don't know the s*x of the other two you found. i have a leopard gecko and i always take the food he wont eat out. and YES no matter what you need to have a screen top on the tank. they need fresh air just as much as we do. i would put the two you found in your yard back in the yard. you new lizard may feel provoked to attack or might get attacked, its best to keep him by himself. Also having one from a pet store and one from outside may cause death. the ones you got from outside could of had something on them and then  passed it on to your new one. hope this helps

  3. try to find a screen lid with a door instead of the ones that are one piece they can be a pain since you have to make sure the things on top dont fall off, a cricket keeper is a good idea i have one it works great.  maybe one more long tail lizard and youd be good.

  4. ~I would release the fence lizards back into the wild. It's where they belong, and a ten gallon tank is far too small for them. It is perfect however for your long-tailed lizard.

    ~Breathing usually quickens when they are stressed. The other, larger lizards are probably frightening him.

    ~The reason Petsmart and other pet stores put so many out at a time, is because they aren't meant to live out their entire lives in there. People are supposed to come along and provide an appropriate tank for them.

    ~It is best to stick with one species per tank.

    ~I would go back to Petsmart and buy a screen lid for your tank. It allows for ventilation.

    ~Drop in what your lizard will eat. Then invest in a cricket keeper. When you drop all those crickets in at one time, odds are half of them will hide and your lizard won't be able to find them, then they'll die in the tank. With a cricket keeper you can keep "reserve" crickets, and won't have to make so many trips to the pet store.
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