
Pet Mice. Can Someone Please Help!?

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I have these pet mice and the shop where i bought them said they were both male, but this morning when i went out 2 them there were 2 little pups laying in the bottom of the cage. Could anyone tell me how old they may be? There eyes are still closed, they have fur and they are about 1.5cm in length. They can't really move much and they still feed from their mum. Do i need any special requirements for the pups.





  1. maybe they made a mistake.  but dont touch them until 6 weeks.  if you do touch them you will need to buy a baby milk feeder and feed them your self. dont take them in the sun. dont give them a big bowl of water either they might drown. if you need any help email me at

  2. I hope dad wasn't still in with mom? If he is, she's probably pregnant again and that isn't healthy for her.

    How the heck long had it been since you'd checked on them? If the babies have fur it had to have been a while.

    Mom could use a little added protein. Scramble some eggs for her. I'd keep a female baby (if there is one) to keep with mom as female mice are very social. Dad should be kept alone so he doesn't breed with mom again or fight with another male.

    Male babies must be separated from siblings and mom by five weeks of age as they become sexually mature at that point.

  3. its bullshit that u can't touch them until 6 weeks!

    You can;t touch them after they open their eyes cos there's always a chance the mummy won't look after them if u touch them b4. Wait till their eyes are open cos that's when they have most chances of surviving

  4. they are obviously newborn, Do not disturb the cage1 MUM WILL CARE FOR THEM,

  5. When the h**l is the last time you checked them? Because if they have fur then there probably a few weeks old.

    There isn't much you can do the mom will do all the work, get the male out because your going to have babies again. The mom will have swollen nipples so you will be able to tell them apart. Keep the dish filled she needs vitamins which are in the food. Spot clean the cage do not touch the babies! If you must  move them use a spoon if she smells your sent she will kill them. Thats about it.

  6. They are fuzzy but don't see or move around much; one to two weeks.

    At 2 weeks they open their eyes and start running around.

    At 3 weeks they can be weaned, but most people prefer 4 weeks these days--the breastfeeding-craze, you know.

    It seems everything is fine.  Any pups that die usually do so in the first 24 hours, and it sounds like they are past that.

    They usually advise to remove the father before the pups are born; but I have raised mice with their fathers and seen the father steal them from the mom to take care of them himself; and the mom steals them back, and finally they cooperate.  Since he's been with them this long, he's fine with them, don't worry.

    It's cute.

    Separate the sexes by the time they are about 6 weeks old; maybe you can do a better job of this than the pet shop person did.

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