
Pet Peeves?

by  |  earlier

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Not really a question, more of hopefully some insight for younger drivers that dont seem to be getting the trainging for driving that they need. If its foggy or raining or a blizzard, turn your lights on to make yourself more visiable. Oh yeah or almost dark. And when you are coming around a curve stay on your own side of the yellow line. Or how about passing on the right when someone is turning left? Do? or dont?




  1. Lil sister, list of some pet peeves driving.  



    Drunk/high Drivers

    Drivers who are doing other things besides driving:  Putting on makeup, reading books/newspapers/business papers, being intimate, working on the laptop, watching DVD's, holding the cell phone instead of using a headset.

    Flashing body parts at other motorists

    Cutting other vehicles off

    Rushing into/through construction sites

    Not merging when a lane is closed until the last minute

    Not moving over or slowing down for vehicles on the shoulder

    Flashing headlights at someone who is in the passing lane doing the speed limit while passing because you are speeding

    Darting across from the left lane to an exit on the right

    Crossing the center line to intimidate another driver

    Going too fast for conditions

    I am sure lil sister, that you bring this question up because as a trucker you know that we are 98% of the time the first on the scene of any accident, that in the 120,000 + miles we truckers drive in a year we see all of every one's pet peeves being done daily, that cars are the cause of 90% of the accidents involving semi trucks and cars, and finally because the highways are not only a trucker's work place, but also our home:  The average trucker is away from their house 250+/- days a year traveling up and down the highways and byways across the country.

    Thank you for the question.  Be safe out there!

  2. I can tell import guy is one of those new drivers LOL. I personally agree with you!! I drive around with my 3 year old in the back seat and get sooo upset at these kids zooming by cutting me off only to be 2 cars ahead. It annoys me when they are text messaging while driving and (I live in CA) HELLO!!! the right lanes are for slow drivers and left lanes for fast drivers on the freeway. Thanks for letting me vent.

    lol =)

  3. people suck. there is like this unspoken respect you are supposed to have for truckers. I always wanted to be a trucker but there is no way i would be able to control the urge to run the really stupid ones off the road :)

  4. My dad told me years ago to always have my lights on no matter what time of day.  I'd rather buy $10 bulbs a few times a year than be side swiped by someone who didn't see me cuz they weren't paying attention.  I always like to bee noticed.  I would also like young drivers out there(actually everyone) that your turn signal is not to let people know you are changing lanes.  It's there lo let me know you intend to change lanes.  So let's turn them on before you are half way in my lane.

  5. I know some older people who could use a little education, too ;)

    I flash people who don't have their lights on at dusk.

  6. you want my pet peeves???  hahaha, i have too many to list, but here goes:

    - people passing on the right, even when I'm in the middle of turning left.  people here don't even slow down... they just zoom through, even if they are only an inch from your car.  I feel like they're going to take my mirror off half the time

    -people weaving in and out of traffic on the highway. uhh

    -people not stopping at stop signs, or not yeilding the right of way at stop signs.

    -when people try to go around someone in the middle of a right turn.  they end up going slightly into the other lane.  yesterday, i was waiting to make a left onto a street, and someone was making a right onto that street from the other direction.  someone tried to pass me on the right at the same time someone tried to swing around her.  i almost got smooshed.  luckly the guy trying to swing around her slammed on his breaks when he realized he wasn't going to fit.

    -people honking at me when I make a full stop at a stop sign.  i'm sorry, but the two seconds it takes me to stop isn't going to make you that much later than you apparently already are.

    -I agree with you about the lights.  i drive with mine on all the time.  its an automatic thing for me... put on my seatbelt, turn on car, turn on headlights... not that hard.  plus, its a law in pa that you HAVE to have your lights on anytime your wipers are on.

    -I also agree with you about staying in your lane around a turn... you never know what is coming around the turn towards you... this could save your life.

    -people who speed up to pass me on the highway, only to get infront of me and slow down.  i know they're probably trying to get me to speed up to pass them so i'm first in line to get a ticket, but its so annoying.

    -tailgating... being a few feet closer to me is not going to get you to your destination any faster.  I will not speed up, I am not intimidated by you.

    -people who do not use their turn signals... and people who think that the turn signal gives them the right of way.  just because you put your blinker on does not mean you can switch lanes... you have to wait for it to be clear.

    -people who speed up to go through yellow lights/honk at me when I stop at a yellow light.

    -stupid crazy ladies that back into your car (causing 1200 in damage) and then drive away.  i bet she's not too happy now that her license is suspended, she had to pay for my car, and she got a nice not so little fine....  It's bad when even the responding cop says someone is crazy...

    Ok, i'm done.

    I just want everyone to know, I am not a new driver, so i'm not on a 'i know the rules of the road' rant or anything.  I'm 25, and i don't drive slow either.  I usually do about 5 over the limit, on average.

  7. "-people honking at me when I make a full stop at a stop sign. i'm sorry, but the two seconds it takes me to stop isn't going to make you that much later than you apparently already are."

    Oh, I definitely have to agree on this one. I'm a pretty new driver, and I'd really rather not start doing rolling stops already. A few weeks ago, I was at a stop sign.. and I stopped at the line, and was rolling forward because a tree was obstructing my view. Some young guy was honking at me. Apparently I was taking too long for him.

  8. you sound like you just read a drivers manual and your excited about how "street smart" you are now....

    say what you want, i could go on for days on how pathetic women drivers are, but i would rather use this site for what is is intended for, helping people solve problems, not ranting

    good luck with your pet peeves

  9. I agree with you 100 percent but people dont or have forgotten the rules of the road, drive safe.
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