
Pet Poo in Apartments?

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hi im thinking to buy a dog/cat but i live in an apartment, its kool wit the lease and everything but im just wondering how they would poo?

its a 3 bedroom 1st level apt. with a prett good patio

in winter i cud put like a litter tray and leave the door open? but now its so hot, it wud mess wit the air conditioning

ohhh and whatz a better apt pet dogs or catz?

i kno alot of ppl who have pets in apartments but i never wondered about it, ohhh i cud take it outside to poo but i feel like i cant be there everytime he has to go so i need a backup





  1. Dogs are extremely hard to have in an apartment, especially bigger dogs. You have to be able to be home so much throughout the day to let them out. I would definitely recommend a cat for an apartment.  

  2. I would recommend a kitty with an apartment.. they are beautiful, fluffy and very loving when they get used to u. best of all, cats dont need training, u show them where their litter box is, just once or twice at the most and BOOM they are perfect to go. If u get a puppy thats going to be really high maintanence, not that u cant do it, its just that he will feel very cooped up and may possible get aggressive if not taken on walks DAILY.

    If your generally a clean person who keeps everything hygienic often, all you need to do after ur normal routine just spray deoderiser around the home or light some sweet smelling sandlewood ($2 a packet from shops). Remember a cat wont smell bcoz evn its business they bury deep in the litter.. however a dog would need grass to dig and be able to bury his business.. most of them dont do that anyway, they think they are kings of the castle or something and we just gotta put up with it. lol.

  3. You could try crate training with a dog...a cat you wouldn't have to worry about- could just have a litterbox in the bathroom. =)

  4. Since it's an apartment go with a cat.  Cats sleep about 20 or so hours a day and they will go in the litter box so you don't have to worry about them ruining the flooring.  Plus they don't need to be trained.  Puppies WILL have a lot of accidents on the carpet.  But if you do decide to get a pup then you should research "crate training" so you can do it right.  That's the easiest way to train a dog.

    if you get a cat, make sure they are spayed/neutered.  Cats that aren't fixed (or fixed later in their life) are more likely to spray to mark territory.  I have a male cat and it was fixed from a kitten and have never had one accident ever and knew exactly what the litter box was for.

    Good luck with your new pet!!


    The best cat litter is the crystal kind.  All other kinds have their own odor and are messy.  The crystals work great!!!!

  5. A cat would probably be best for an apartment, because they like to cuddle when it is cold, and they arent very loud at all rarely.

  6. Cats typically use a litter box (though some can learn how to use the toilet).

    Dogs have to be walked at least 2-3 times a day, every single day of the year, including the coldest days of winter. For this reason cats are probably better apartment animals, since they require a lot less maintenance and are in general more independent.

    + If you clean the litter box regularly, it won't smell. I have a covered litter box for my cat, and I take out the p**p every day and change the entire thing once a week, and I can't smell it from even a few feet away.

  7. Im not a fan of any animal in an apartment but people do it and the animal seems to be happy. Cats are happy as indoor pets but can get lonely so you will need two or be home all the time. you can buy silican pet litter that the cat can pee in and it doesn't smell at all and as long as you remove the poo every so often you wont need to change it for a month. you could even put a cat door in the balcany door if you want. plus cats like to wonder and explore, if it can get to the ground via balcany than it can at least have a roam around. cats are prone to overweightness if they have nothing to do.

    I know alot of people who have dogs in apartments but like all dogs, they need to be walked at least twice a day, it cannot be left in the apartment 24/7. dogs can use 'poo pads'  (a special pad on the floor that they can poo on) but are way happier being taken for walks to do their business. dogs are also prone to overweightness and lonelyness.

    rodents are great apartment pets, i had rats for years, very devoted pets.

    good luck
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