
Pet Rabbit Question??? Mini Rex???

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Should I get a Mini Rex rabbit? It will be my first rabbit and i want a nice one. are they good pets?




  1. Mini rex rabbits are the best! I have an unneutered male and he loves to give kisses and bite. I recoment getting a buck neutered bec there the best!

  2. Actually, larger rabbits are often less fearful and more friendly, and you definitely want to get an older rabbit (more than 1-2 years old) for your first pet, otherwise be prepared for a nasty bunny adolescence (extra chewing and digging on EVERYTHING).  Most people get baby bunnies, which are cute and fuzzy, then give up the rabbits or have them put down when the rabbit hits its "teenage years".  Having a bunny already spayed or neutered is also helpful and aids in litter box training, if you are so inclined.

    There is no particular bunny breed that guarantees an easygoing disposition.  Lops have a reputation for good-natured behavior, but require much more grooming attention.  All rabbits are high maintenance pets, be prepared.

  3. i have a mini rex and i have no bad experiences with her. She's great! Very loveable and curious and a great rabbit, she's also a a good sized one too.

    Go with a mini rex they're good for your first rabbit.

  4. Mostly all rabbits are exceptional pets as long as you do your job to take care of them  :]

    i suggest getting a holland lop(they have the ears that hang down instead of sticking up)

    they stay rather small and are generally always nice.

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