
Pet Rat? i NEED HELP pursuading!?

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I want a pet that is REALLY playful and I have the choices of 2 gerbils, 1 hamster, or 2 mice.......They are too small for me and way too smelly so thats how I got the idea of getting a rat......

my mom HATES them so if you can right her a letter telling her why they make great pets and how much they cost would be AWESOME!

Ive had plenty of pets before but I always wanted thought about getting a rat but someone was in my way......






  1. Rats are great pets. Some people think they are dirty and nasty but they aren't. They are very clean and they do not bite if you get one when it's a baby. I have 10 pet rats and none of them have ever bit me. I have one that sleeps with me every night. She curls up on my pillow by my head and goes to sleep.

    The rats i got were only $10 a piece and had babies together so i didn't pay $100 for rats. And if you are going to get a rat DO NOT get just one. They are very social and if you want them to be happy you have to get 2. Make sure you get either 2 males or 2 females though. Males do smell more then females but when you get them to trust you you can give them baths every few weeks. Males tend to be more cuddly then females and females more active then males.

    Rats are also great pets because you can train them to do tricks. They are very smart and are very persistent. One of mine learned how to get out of his cage and he would just sit on top of it for a while then go back in.

    Over all the average cost of all the rat supplies will probably be around $70-$80 depending on where you get it. If you do talk your mom into letting you get a pet rat you can email me and i can tell you more about them (good foods to feed them toys ect.) and give you a few links on the internet that can help you.

    It doesn't matter if you have 2 or 20 they will want attention from you. If someone just walks by one of my rat cages they pretty much jump out of it wanting you to hold them.

    You can get them out together or one at a time. Some times i get only one out and other times i take all of them out or just 2 or 3. They like being with you and they like being with other rats.

  2. people think rats are filthy that's only wild ones captive one are the best pets and they can be trained other animals like it cannot so rats rule rat are also smart don't bite and can jump really far so get a rat

  3. rats are actually very intelligent animals. I used to let one of my rats run around the house and when  would call him name he would come to me from wherever he was. none of my rats ever peed on me or anything. they're very nice and have never bit me. they are quiet, not that smelly, and actually they're really clean animals- they clean themselves all the time!

  4. Get a hamster. There nice and cuddly!

  5. ok lol i can't write a letter but if you told your mom about how they are helpfull and or usefull also fun and loving, ( which they are) then it might help you persuade her more also you should do some research on rats and show her that you know what ur dealing with! lol i've also wanted a rat and my mom hates them.. so i know how you feel! Good luck! :)

  6. make a book of info.print pictures of them off the comp or draw some.leave them somewhere where she'll find them.when she gets on the comp leave a page of cute pictures of them on the screen.e-mail her pictures to get her to soften up.if ur dad is living or lives with you soften him up first.let her go to the petstore and see them.

                if u need anymore help e-mail

                            plz answer my qwestions-k?rodents? and-sorry for this!?

  7. Have you even talked to her about it?

    I think that instead of bugging her, go to a friends house and play with his/her rat. When your mom picks you up, tell her how much fun you had with your friends rat. name all of the details. Give her the guilt trip!

    Then she will see how you are so happy, and that is what all parents want. Just try it out!

    Make sure to name EVERYTHING!

  8. you could try doing a "report" and lecturing her on how they are great pets and also you could youtube it and show her that they are loving and awesome! they really are the best little pets....

    heres one that is good.. maybe show her some rats and owners interacting and stuff...

    its a good idea to get 2 if you have school and stuff,if you have all day to devote and every day you CAN have one but its better to have 2. they will still want attention usually but they wont NEED it as much....they wont get depressed and stuff.

    EDIT:  Dear Amandas mom...

         I know the thought of a rat can be slightly unpleasing,but I have to tell you,they are VERY good pet,my mom was a little hesitant before she let me get my first rats,I had to beg her for months,but after we got one,she learned that they are the sweetest little creatures around,I know that you might be thinking they're filthy creatures,but I promise they are VERY clean animals, as long as Amanda keeps the cage clean they will be not smelly at all,and they are very clean animals themselves,when people think of rats they often think of the creatures roaming the streets and sewers of France,but they just aren't like that,my friends mom didn't want rats,she thought they were disgusting,well she got them,and her mom has changed her mind,she wont touch them still,but they no longer disgust her.just give them a chance,if it doesn't work you can always find a new home,but if you give them a honest chance and actually try to get to know them I think you'll end up loving the creatures that people have the nerve to call pests.

                                        sincerely Kaydee :)

    P.S you MUST shop for them,you need to get ones that like people before,you might look in places like pounds and stuff.but they have to at least not be afraid of people before you get them.

  9. I think you should do some research on the critter.  Find out as much about them as you can, such as when and where they go to the bathroom.   Like all over you as you are handleing them.  Oh ya man, rat pee all over you.  How cool is that???  :)

  10. Sounds like female rats for you. Females tend to remain playful and inquisitive even after they become adults while male rats tend to mellow out a bit and become better lap rats. If you get rats, you MUST get two of the same gender. They cannot be kept alone.

    Do some more research:

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