
Pet Tarantula Questions

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I was thinking about getting a tarantula but i have some questions first.

1) Can I keep more than one of the same type together?

2) If I am bitten by one (Most likely Chilean Rose) what is the treatment?

3) How do I clean his poo?

4) If it flicks its hairs in my eyes how bad will it hurt?

5) What kind of bedding do I need?

6) Will this type of setup work?

7) Is the Chilean Rose Hair Arboreal or Terrestrial?

8)What else should i know?




  1. 1)No because they are solitary creatures except when mating and after they mate female eats the male. Two of the same s*x will just stress each other out.

    2)keep it clean and put antibiotics on it like neosporin. If you are allergic to bees and wasps you need to seek emergency treatment because a tarantula bite is similar.

    3)Poo is white and hardens when drys best to wait until dry to clean. They barely p**p at all.

    4)It would be very annoying, itch like crazy and could possibly temporally blind you. So flush your eyes out the best you can with water. do not rub it it will make it worse and push the hairs back further in the eye. Go to a doctor.

    5)This is the bedding you need

    6)No most diffidently not. You need a ten gallon tank. A water dish like this and a hide like this you need a heating pad put it under the hide on the outside of the cage.

    7) Terrestrial (ground dwelling not tree dwelling)

    8) handling stresses them out and can cause them to flick hairs at you. If you feed it crickets (no more than 4 at a time) take our whatever crickets it doesn't eat in 24 hours. Try to feed again next day. if it doesn't eat try again in a week. It could be molting (shedding its skin)

    This site has a lot of useful information. Just google chilean rose hair tarantula care you will find a lot more.

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