
Pet bugs? Tell me about them?

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What kind do you have? Why did you pick it? What is the care like? I'm considering easy/interesting pets for my 4 boys.




  1. You can goto online garden sites and get a mantid (preying mantis) egg sack and they will send it to you and you can hatch it. About 10 mantids will come out so you will either have to release a few of them or put each of them in their own enclosure. They are cool to watch grow, shed their old skin, stalk and kill other bugs, etc. They are a good pet. Perhaps get 4 Kritter Keeper plastic houses and put 1 mantid in each enclosure, 1 for each boy? Just make sure you don't keep them together, they are cannabilistic.

    There is also the millipedes. They eat vegetables and stuff, they scurry around and such.. but they are more active at night time when its dark.

    Theres also Madagascar hissing cockroach which are wonderful and can be held and kept in a colony. They will make a weird noise if they are tapped. Look up these three species, they are all fun to keep. Just remember delicate care, since sometimes kids can be rough :)

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