
Pet chickens??

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i have 2 pet chickens that we've had for about 4 weeks and they still haven't laid any eggs! what's wrong with them?? HELP!




  1. the obvious reason would be that they r not old enough or are they?

    so dont u want the eggs to hatch? or just to consume?

  2. How old were they when you got them.Maybe they are still too young.Hens dont usually start to lay until they are between 18-24 weeks of age .Depending on the breed of chicken you have.Also if they are real young you must be sure that you actually have hens and not roos.Be sure to feed your hens a good laying feed if they are of laying age.Supply them with a nest box that no wildlife can get into.Even if they lay it wont do any good if they get ate before you get to the nest to collect them.

  3. They dont want to lay eggs for you.

  4. Chicken should be at least 5-6months old before they lay eggs, with a mate! If no mate  they should be given special feeds to be able to lay eggs[ laying mass].  By the way, male chickens don't lay eggs! lol

  5. how old are they? the need to be 6 months old to start laying eggs,you Dont need a rooster for your hens to lay.  you only need a rooster for fertile eggs if you want to hatch them..feed them good quality egg maker feed, and some oyster shells.   dont worry they will start laying  !!  its called Mash, Not Mass, as one person wrote, dont go asking for Mass at the feed

  6. if they are comfortable and happy then they should start laying at the age of 5 months but if they are unhappy they will not lay any eggs the other thing is are they female or male because males don't lay eggs

  7. Depending on the season, chickens will start laying @20 weeks in Spring and Summer and 24 weeks in winter and Autumn. Have you got a nesting box? They need a box with straw and/or wood shavings (which is a good source of nitrogen) they need privacy in their roost and also the straw and wooshavings to lay into. If they haven't got this there is little chance of having eggs. So once you have done this they might lay, careful of them getting egg bound if they haven't got somewhere to lay.

  8. sometimes it takes  a while after theyve settled in.

  9. they havn't had chicken s*x???

  10. You have to make sure they are comfortable, left alone and have proper nesting

  11. If they are less than 6 months, like many people have said, then they won't be laying eggs for a bit. They may also be too young for you to distinguish between male and female...obvious problems there.

    Cockerels aren't needed for the hens to start laying eggs, but they are lovely little fellows to have strutting their stuff around the garden.

    Be patient, they'll take a little while to settle in, but once they've had a chance to get to know their surroundings, they'll lay eggs like there's no tomorrow!

    They will need to be supplied with an adequate nesting site of course, otherwise...

    there is also the possibility they are laying eggs away from the nest, try having an egg hunt! Always a fun prospect for our family!

    Be sure to give them plenty of food, they are simply ravenous when they start laying eggs, and once they do start laying, giving them ground up egg shells (I heard) is very beneficial when trying to ensure the eggs don't have soft shells.

    They could also be broody? If they aren't leaving the hutch, and are merely sitting in the nest box all day, then they'll probably be broody.

    Anyway, good luck with them! They are a wonderful addition to any family, eggs layers or not!

  12. make sure that one is girl and one is boy
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