
Pet hedgehog questions?

by  |  earlier

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i'm trying to get a pet hedgehog but i need to know.

are they considered rodents?

do they attract snakes?

do they smell?

does their fur and spines shed everywhere and float in the air?

do they make noise?

are they vicious in any way? (biting,scratching,..etc)

what kind should i get?

how much should they cost?




  1. Hedgehogs are not considered rodents

    they dont attract snakes

    they do not smell ( if you clean there cage properly about 2 times a week but they can be litter trained like a cat)

    no, there spines only fall out 2 times in there life, once when there 8 weeks and once when there a few months old, there fur shouldent fall out. They do not loose spines like a dog looses hair.

    they only make a 'hissing' noise when they are stressed but they do not make really any noise

    they only bite when there tasteing, and they do not bite hard. Hedgehogs dont usually bite

    you should get an african pigmy hedgehog because they are small and they come in many different colors.

    an african pigmy hedgehog can cost 50$-100$

  2. 1. yes

    2. no (why)

    3. yes (if you don't clean their cage)

    4. yes (all animals that have fur shed)

    5. yes

    6. they can be (they will poke you with their spines)

    7 the one thats legal in your state

    8. depends

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