My five-year old male cat (we got him from the shelter a few months ago) has defecated just outside the litterbox since the day we brought him home. We've had him tested for a medical issue, and everything seems fine. The vet recommended clomicalm which he has been on for about two weeks now. This seemed to help a bit after a week, as he now actually uses the box to defecate all but once a day or so which is again about a foot away from the box. It was about three times a day before, so it is getting better. I've read that amitriptyline might be more effective and I'm wondering if I should mention it to the vet? He is fine in every other aspect, he is affectionate, playful etc., the only issue is defecating outside the box. He urinates in the box, so we know it isn't a litter brand issue. We've tried moving the boxes, adding boxes, changing brands of litter. We also clean the boxes at least three times daily. We are at our last hope with the medication...