
Pet pirahna?

by Guest32779  |  earlier

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ok i can pretty much guess they are expensive, but how icould i get a few of them and wat facts can you tell me about them?




  1. haahahahah ohh my god,

    why do u want pirahna's?

    they are ugly and meat eaters.

    HAHAA but hey go for it.

    Im just wondering who ur  going to push in the pool with pirahna's? XD

  2. Call wildlife and fisheries (or whatever they call them in your state).  They'll know if you can have them where you live or not.  I'm pretty sure that it is illegal to have them as pets in most states.

  3. they are no that aggressive they shy away from u

    they need a big tank and to be kept in odd numbers at least 3

    they are not expensive

    they are part of the tetra family

    gets boring after a while

  4. piranhas are just like any other fish you can own. the media just gave it a bad reputation so most people think alot of negative things about them.

    they are not expensive, but it really depends on your location. they are fairly easy to care for and hardier than most fresh water fish. i think the biggest investment you can put in with them would be a big enough tank and a good filter, other than that, i think your set.

    i only fed mine thawed hotdogs and some pellets. nothing special. i dont feed live food, like small mammals and so for alot of reasons

    check out this site


  5. i thought piranhas were illegal in the US...

  6. I live in Washington, and they aren't illegal here, but that being said, have you thought this through?  Cleaning the tank will be a bit of a challenge, as will feeding them.  You will need to be willing to make frequent trips to buy live feeder fish for them.  I also know that if you get more than 1, they need to be similar size or bigger ones will eat smaller ones.  They also get pretty large, so you will need at LEAST a 55-gallon tank, and they will probably outgrow that as well.

  7. first click on this link to check here to see if there even legal in your state -

    then check if you have any petstores by you besides petco and petsmart because they dont carry them (atleast in wisconsin) and if you cant find any you could always try this site, although i have no esperience with it i might try it -

    the piranha they sell at stores if pretty much always a red bellied piranha, unless otherwhys specified so all the info you need about red bellys is right here -

    there really not too expensive, (especially when looking at the expensive saltwater fish) round here the baby 1 inches are $10, and 4 inch ones are sometimes available for $30
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