
Pet rat died suddenly?

by  |  earlier

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I have never seen this before and honestly hope to never again. Do you suspect it was an aneurysm?

I had a group of 6 male rats as pets. The other morning I fed them and filled their water - everyone was fine, acting normal. I progressed with my day, getting ready to leave to run some errands. A couple of hours later I was about to leave my house when I noticed blood everywhere in the cage. One of my males (about a year and a half old) was bleeding profusely, slumped on its side, and breathing shallowly. I gently scooped him out but before I could even make a move to get him to a vet, he was gone. I couldn't see any physical sign of injury or anyplace that was visibly looked almost like the blood was coming from his hind end. My mom said she thinks it was an aneurysm based on the fast decline and amount of blood. I was near their cage most of the morning and heard no fighting, and my rats have always been very peaceful.

I feel so bad. :(




  1. c'mon dont blame it on your self

  2. Sorry to hear about your rat.=(

  3. I've never heard of this happening in a rat, so I have to assume it's very rare.  I've known a lot of rats.

    Aneurysm  is a possibility, but not very likely.  More likely are colon cancer, diverticulitis, or colitis. Another unlikely possibility is severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding from an ulcer.

    It would be rare to have such profuse bleeding and sudden death from any of these causes, but  it does happen.

    Obviously it was a catastrophic event and there was nothing you could have done about it.

  4. It definitly sounds medical to me; an anyurism is possible, so is a rupture in his digestive system.  I've had many small animals as friends, and when they get sick or injured, it's over pretty quick; even if you'd known there was something wrong and could have gotten him instantly to the vet, its very unlikely it would have helped.  Don't beat yourself up, it's just 'one of those things', and as much as we hate feeling helpless, sometimes there's nothing we can do.  Unfortunatly, loss is the price of loving something small.

    Believe me when I tell you that, dumb animal or not, your rat knew you and knew he was loved.  Take comfort from the fact that his life was warm and comfortable and that he died in your hands, gently held, instead of alone.

  5. poor rat, it put tears in my eyes. :'(

  6. AWWWWW POOR RATTIE i feel so sorry.................dont feel bad you did your best...
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