
Pet rat not drinking his water...HELP!!!?

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I bought my b/f a pet rat last sunday (so we have had him 8 days now). Since we have brought him home he hasn't drank any water. I have refilled his bottle, exchanged bottles, and I've checked to make sure the bottle he has now works. He eats fine, but he hasn't drank anything in 8 days. I'm worried he's going to die from dehydration. Someone please help.




  1. just because you haven't seen him drinking doesn't mean hes not drinking. and don't worry do you know rats  can last longer without water then a Camel can! :)

  2. He must be drinking at night or something if he's still alive.

  3. Pet rat?!

    Love to help you, but my pet centipede is fastidious.

  4. he's sick. sick pets dont drink- maybe try filtered or bottled water (their sense o' smell is really good, those rats) bring him to a vet!!!!! or, while he's watching, roll your finger over the bottle. water will drip out. rats are so smart they will figure out how to use a bottle.

  5. The same thing happened to my rat too.

    I changed his bottles and stuff aswell but he didnt change.

    Then I tryed using a bowl to put his water in and that worked.

    Maybe you could use a bowl instead-that might help? It worked for me

  6. You have to give the animal water. Put it in a bowl so the poor thing can just lap it up, maybe it doesn't know how to use the bottle.

  7. when your pet rat isn't drinking water I suggest that you take medicine droper and fill that up with water and stick it in its mouth. :)

  8. I think you probably just haven't /seen/ him drink. Please keep in mind that rats are highly social and should be kept in same s*x pairs or groups.

    I'd do some more research into them:

  9. well i have had a hamster and he way pretty healthy but sounds like your rat is sick have you taking it to a vet well if not then you need to before it does.

  10. If he's not showing signs of lethargy or illness, he's definitely drinking; a rat would be dead (or looking very, very close to death) if it went eight days without any water.  Period.  But maybe he's getting some water from food?  Are you feeding him a lot of fruits and vegetables?  If not, he's surely drinking from the bottle.  If you're worried, give him a water bowl (make sure it's something that won't tip over, and you'll need to change the water periodically because it'll get bedding kicked into it and whatnot).

  11. If he acts healthy and is eating, he is also drinking.  After 8 days without water, he wouldn't be eating and probably would be dead.

  12. They are nocturnal, so he's probably drinking at night.  I've had 5 rats and they slept most of the day and then woke up at night and drank and ate.  Put some water on your finger and see if he laps it up, but don't put water in a bowl.  It will quickly become contaminated and can harbor bacteria, which will harm him if he drinks it.  But I agree, if he wasn't drinking then he either wouldn't be alive now or would be extremely lethargic and sick.

  13. He could be nervous, or dosen't trust you yet. And A PET RAT!?!?!?!?!? take him to the vet?

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