
Pet shop has only 1 Roborovski hamster left... but loads of chinese

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Don't they need to live in a pair?

I'm off there today to get a dwarf and was going to get either one or two chinese hamsters but if this last Robo is lonely should I have him?

Or will he be depressed cos he's by himself?




  1. Aww, yes he will be lonely, I would buy him, cause I would feel bad to leave him all alone when the others have all got eachother, buy him.

    Poor little robo hammie

  2. No actually hamsters are not supposed to live in pairs because they fight

    and you choose which ever hamster you like!

  3. Hi,he or she will be lonely in the pet shop.I would get it & see if another pet shop as one.

    Good Luck

  4. two femsale chinese hamsters WILL fight but don't know about males, Roborovski hamsters love to be in pairs/groups but if it was on it's own in the pet shop, it might have got used to being on it's own. Good luck!

  5. well i would either get 1 or 2 chinese hammies or if he or she is on there own i would get him or her . It shouldn't be lonely if you give him plenty of toys and you pay attention to him or her it shouldnt matter good luck with whatever hammie or hammies you pick hope this

    helped !!! =)

  6. have the one you want.  only get one though as they will fight or breed depending on the s*x you buy.  

  7. most likely they have more in the back. ask them to go check for you.

    I think he would be very lonely, and alot harder to tame otherwise.

  8. omg this is just like what happened with my robo, dobby. i dont think they should be allowed to sell them so that there is only one left by itself. i would buy it, they are the most adorable hamsters ever and they dont grow very big at all, get a speelos cage, the blue one, check it out on google images, its actually made for mice and dwarf/robo hamsters. hope this helps.

    And lalaland, that is not completely true so dont suggest stuff if you dont know if its true. robos prefer to live in groups.

    Also dont go to another pet shop and buy another robo, they like to live with they're family, or it IS  a possibility that they will fight. if you want to e-mail me for some questions, contact me on

    and i am so very NOT sorry for saying what i did pet store guy, you could say to the customer that they are best not left alone and ask if they could leave one to keep it company, where do you work? the garden centre near me sell robos and other dwarves and if they dont think it should be left alone, then they will POLITLY say to the customer that this is what should happen!

  9. See my site ( ) for all the info you'll need about Roborovski hamster's.

    Robo's prefer to live in pairs, and are SO much more fun to watch when they are on the wheel; but it isn't unheard of for a Robo to live a happy life on its own(although, it might be hard introducing a new Roborovski to the cage later on).

  10. i'm sure those robo hamsters are supposed to live on their own

  11. Actually, they don't /need/ to live in a pair.

    Dwarf hamsters are fine on their own and this, of course, lessens the strong chance of fighting; despite the fact dwarf hamsters CAN live together blissfully, there are many reports of fighting amongst couples/groups.

    So if you want the Robo, it'll be fine alone.

    If you want Chinese, you can have two of them or one of them- it's your choice.

    But Dwarf hamsters, unlike guinea pigs and gerbils, are fine alone and don't suffer.

    Alternatively, you could ask if they have anymore Robo out back- we, for example, have one Chinese on the shop floor, but four Chinese out back; we can't put them out due to the cage being occupied by this one Chinese, so we have to wait.

    I wouldn't hold your breath, but it's worth asking if that's what you really want.


    I'm sorry, Ella, but what on earth do you WANT us to do with the dwarf hamsters that are left on their own? Put them to sleep? Squash them? What do you expect from us other than to get them to a nice new home?


    ...You don't understand, you poor, uneducated person.

    If we get five dwarf hamsters in, and two lots are bought- which they normally are, I know hamsters like that are better in pairs, we even do a 2 for £12 deal- then there's one on its own. What are we meant to do with that one, exactly? According to you? Magic up a second hamster, introduce them and know they're not going to fight? Impossible, in a pet shop setting.

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