
Pet stores!?

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ok, so there is this pet store called "pet supermarket". i got a rabbit from one of the stores and he was sick when we got him. (that was when i lived in sort of a trashy neighborhood/town) now i live in a much better town/neighborhood, and i got a hamster from the other store and it died and i think it was sick when i got her. (i got these animals because i wanted to save them) i notice there were dirty cages and not the right type of bedding and it seemed like they were a little itchy. has anyone else had a bad expeirience with "Pet supermarket"?




  1. I have never heard of that pet store before. If you suspect that they are not taking proper care of their pets, please call your local animal control.

  2. I've never heard of Pet Supermarket, but don't buy any more animals from there. You're actually not saving them, because the pet store will just get more of them and treat them just as badly. You can't save all the rabbits in the world.

  3. Better than most pet stores, care for Rodants.

  4. my brother works at a pet store, and all the sick animals go to the back rooms where a vet sees them and gives them medication regularly.

    i think it was very nice of you to try to save them,but if you don't have the proper medicaton i don't think its possible.

    its sad the way animals get treated.

  5. I haven't because I've gotten my dogs from animal shelters and from private dog owners who's pets got knocked up.  

    It's a shame that pet stores like this continue to exist.  Check around in your area to see if there is a group protesting against them or pressuring them to clean up their act.  Maybe you can help change things for the better.

  6. most animal lovers know you should NEVER buy from pet stores.. and certainly NOT pet stores where the cages are dirty

    BEST place to get pets is your local shelter or private home/breeder

    yes shelters often have rabbits and hamsters..

    read this link to see how pet stores support cruelty

    and how you reward them when you buy from them (no graphic pictures)

    NEVER buy from pet stores...

    heck I shop at livestock feed stores for my cat and bunny food - its cheaper too. I would NEVER support a store that sells animals

  7. The rule if buy from a pet shop, look for a good pet shop with clean cages shaff that know what there talking about, and check the heath of the animal before you buy it.

    There are some very good Pet shops out there but they are most one of king pet shop own by someone who like aniamal and so on

    I like in Dublin, Ireland  and know of good pet shops that look after they animals very well!
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