1. Are turkeys friendly or temperamental? Will they bite when they don't want to be petted or hugged?
2. Do they need to be raised from the time that they're chicks to fully bond to the caregiver?
3. Are male turkeys as friendly and loving as the females, or will they become aggressive during certain times?
4. Can they at least fly a few feet? It'd like to train him/her to fly up to a perch.
5. When they engage in undesirable behavior, can they be verbally reprimanded? Will they conform to your wished, or become belligerent?
6. Can they be trained to relieve themselves in a specific location? I'd love to have the turkey live in-doors with me (safer from predators, and more companionship). I would also like a turkey that could sleep on my lap, or jump up to be socialized, so I could probably put a towel on my lap just in case. I've seen pictures of duck diapers for indoor ducks, but a turkey might be too big. Could its barn/coup would be downstairs instead of outside?