
Peta members and vegan question.

by Guest66976  |  earlier

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When you finally achieve your ultimate goal of permanently banning meet on the global market, who's going to stop the animals from eating and killing each other?




  1. Neither PETA nor vegans have any desire to stop wild animals from killing and eating each other. Go away and look to pick a fight somewhere else.

    By the way, you misspelled meat. Perhaps if your brain wasn't so damaged from eating the flesh of other mammals you could spell.

    See, Socrates, your brain is so damaged you can't even get my name right!

  2. they are the only ones that need it to survive they have what it takes to digest they meats and fat!

  3. Forget all this nonsense about the food chain.

    We opted out of the food chain as soon as factory farms came along- with mass production of animals being raised for food.  

  4. Who said veganism's goal is ''banning meat''? It's about reducing animal suffering. Animals eating animals is the natural order of things and vegans acknowledge that. However, vegans try to minimise their personal contribution to animal suffering, it is not about *stopping* all animals eating meat.

    Who said eating meat is unnatural? I didn't. Humans are omnivores and no amount of debating will change that. However, it just so happens that humans can live very healthily without meat.

  5. i can't speak for all vegetarians but the ones i know

    didn't chose it because they think it's wrong to eat animals but the way there killed it's unnatural they use drugs to make them gain weight stuff them in crowned place and the never live a natural life we as humans have the choice to not eat animals because we have or alternatives but animals can't just to a restaurant and order organic vegetables

    i may only be 13 but I've been a vegetarian for about a year and no it's not i fad I'm aware that i can't change the world of it's flaws(yet) but most of the biggest changes come from small choices.

  6. that's what they naturally do, and its not right to interfere with nature

  7. I have no issue with animals eating and killing each other.  I'd prefer they kill each other BEFORE eating each other, but it does usually work that way.

    I am so sick to death of the "we're omnivores; look at our teeth!" argument.  You must be new to this.  Who cares what we "evolved" to do?  Just because something is natural and part of our evolution doesn't mean that we should do it.  It's also "natural" for people to murder and rape each other.  It's "natural" for a man to attempt to impregnate as many females as he can before he dies, but our culture supports monogamous relationships.  Unless you're a pro athlete or a rapper.

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