
Peter & paul went to a bar & orderd scotch on the rock. thre was poison on their drnk but only peter died why?

by Guest62806  |  earlier

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Peter & paul went to a bar & orderd scotch on the rock. thre was poison on their drnk but only peter died why?




  1. Paul built up an immunity to a certain poison over a period of time.  He then poisoned both drinks knowing that the poison would not affect him, but would kill Peter.

  2. Paul didn't drink.

  3. becasue peter was the only one who drank

  4. I say because paul hasn't drank his yet or he doesn't drink

  5. because paul gave his drink to peter,and only peter was being drunk......!




    ireally dont know.!

  6. maybe Peter drank more than Paul did.

  7. Because Mary came in and shot Peter, and Paul ran away.  

  8. First of all, you wrote "poison on their drink" (in the singular).  Was it a typo, or was it because the poison was only on one drink?


    Could it be because Peter had robbed Paul's drink while acting on (the advice of) the Scotch?  LOL  It's probably not the right answer, but I could not resist getting it in.  By the way, Scotch is otherwise known as "cardboard whiskey".  I'm not sure what they would have been doing drinking it in the first place.

  9. Because Peter drank his, then tapped Paul on the wrong shoulder. With Paul turned around Peter switched the drinks, and said Paul must be drunk from having downed his scotch so didnt remember drinking it.

    How about it was fast acting poison, so peter drank first and died immediately, then Paul thought better of it and ordered a bacardi breezer? (which he wanted all along)  

  10. Paul was immune to poison, just as he was on the island of Malta in the Bible book of Acts!

    Hope this helps!

  11. i'm assuming that peter was sipping his drink while paul gulped it in a single shot. the poison could be in the drinks' ice cubes. peter died because he let the ice melt in his mouth

  12. because paul doesn't drink

  13. Because Paul ordered it for Peter

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