
Petlovers, how long is too long to leave your cat home alone?

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I love my cat and give her excellent care. She normally stays with family if I need to leave town, even if it's just for a night. Unfortunately, that's not an option this time.

I don't want to put her in a kennel because I've heard some horror stories. I don't trust any of my neighbors enough to do it. I don't want to take her with me on a long car ride and leave her in a strange hotel room all day.

I know of people who leave their cats home for over a week with a bowl of food and water. I am only going to be gone for 3 days, but it still seems wrong to me. So how long is too long to leave her alone at home? Should I just take her with me?





  1. My fiancee get's worried if we leave our cat alone overnight.

    3 days would be fine, but make sure you precondition your cat to be alone that long. Don't go from leaving it alone for a workday then gone on a holiday. Work it out.

  2. Get one of those water dishes that automatically replenish the water, get another for food...

    Make sure to keep their litter pan nice and clean, and then add treats around the house or toys to keep them occupied.

    She will be just fine.

    Will you?

  3. 3 days is not too long, but you should have someone checking in on her to make certain that her food and water does not run out. Another option is to board kitty at your vet if they offer these services. That is what I used to do. That way, if anything happens, the vet is right there. Last option is to take her with you and stay in a pet friendly hotel. I would do the vet or take her with me before leaving her home alone.

  4. It should be fine, but I agree to have someone check in on her.  It's probably not necessary for most cats but since she's never been alone that long it may help her.  You could also leave on the tv or radio so it won't be too quiet.

    I used to get friends to come stay in my apartment if I would be gone for more than a couple days and pretty much always at least had someone check on them.

  5. The only time I have ever boarded my cat, I left him at the veterinary clinic we used regularly.  I felt confident in that, as I knew the staff there were caring and knowledgeable, as well as genuinely liked my cat.  So that is an idea for you - does your veterinarian offer boarding services?  

    As for leaving the cat or taking her with you - I _think_ she would probably prefer staying at home for that length of time vs. the unpleasantness of travel.  When I was a kid we used to leave our cat alone for the weekend with an extra big bowl of food and one of water.  She would seem somewhat freaked out when we got back, but her behavior would return to normal within an hour.  So I don't think it is insane for you to do the same.

  6. Cats 3 days will be ok, just make sure you leave her plenty of food and water

    If you can is there anyone you could trust to stop over your house while your gone?  Even though she'll be fine, you'll feel better.

    Have a safe trip!!

  7. She should be just fine for 3 days. To directly answer your question, 5 days or a week is too long. If you cannot find anyone you trust to check on her, I would recommend leaving a radio on (low volume) and maybe a window blind partly up so she can look outside.

  8. It will be ok. Leave xtra food and make sure she has plenty of water.

    Make sure your house is a comfortable temp.

    Cats are very independent. She will be fine

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