
Petrol prices increasing out of control, isn't it time to do something about it?

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In some places petrol is going for £1.23 per litre and its aiming to be £2 per litre, it's getting to the stage where I can't afford to run my car, we have to control the prices, not sellers price it and we buy it. The solution is simple DO NOT BUY petrol from BP and ESSO until they bring the prices down to £0.69 per litre, buy petrol from tesco, sainsbury, and others. once they bring their price down others will follow.




  1. The site petrol watch emails you once a week with the cheapest petrol stations in your area.

    If the Government took less tax ( at the moment 46p a litre ) the price would go down to under £1.00 a litre.

  2. Get on yer bike.........Tesco is dearer than some of the major companies in our area.

  3. UK FUEL TAX April 2008

    It is so expensive mostly due to the tax - according to the AA the figures for this month are:

    Unleaded 95 Octane - is 62% TAX on an average pump price of 106.8 per litre / 485.5p per gallon - 66.2p per litre TAX, 301p per gallon.

    Diesel - is 58.49% TAX on an average pump price of 115.5p per litre / 525.1p per gallon - 67.5p per litre TAX, 307p per gallon.

    Super unleaded is 60% TAX on an average pump price of 111.7p per litre / 507.8p per gallon - 67p per litre TAX, 304.7p per gallon.

    ...and that was last week

  4. yes,only use your car when you absolutely need to , walk,

  5. You should know that there's just so much tax and duty on it that the petrol companies can lower the price by just a little bit - maybe a few pence only. Its the govt that can reduce it by any substantial amount

  6. lol!

    petrol is more expensive as the worlds resources are running out- what do you suppose? they grow it out of thin air?!

    try finding other types of transport of an electric car if you want to save money- dont rely on petrol prices that will continue to rocket unless we manage to find oil/coal/gas on Mars!

  7. The solution is simple - lobby the government to lower their near 80% of tax revenue!! Remember that for every pound that it goes up - the government get approx. 80 pence - f****n robbers! They love the increase, as the more it rises, the more they will get to squander on homosexual, immigration, racist,islamist (to name but a few) issues!

    Vote any party but the Labour, liberal or tories!

  8. As u say it is just profiteering. Fleecing everybody because we need a particular commodity. Even the government r receiving more tax because of the price of the fuel.

    Its irony itself. The U.K. soldiers r dying in Iraq, where there is plenty of oil and the U.K. r paying a h**l of a lot for fuel.

    Perhaps the people should just take the pumps over and be done! Nationalise the pumps.

    Although I dont think things r going to improve according to this article.

  9. Bring on 2000 fuel epicdemic again... hopefully that will send a clearer message to the tax man. Its ridiculous im already conned £180 a year for my road tax....

  10. Gas shall never go down in Britain mate as there are far too many people who can even afford to leave their vehicles running while having a cigarette break. I believe that the people are generally at fault due to the simple fact that they have adopted the American way of life by e.g driving to the local convenience store just a few hundred metres down the road for a liter of milk. So you are demonstrating to the suppliers that no matter what, you are all not going to adopt a more sort of saving approach to the matter. As long as you are all not going to change your so called life styles, the suppliers shall keep raising the price. Why, because they can afford to. The Continentals go on general strike and the British do nothing to protest against this. So there you all are, you shall always be treated the way you allow yourselves to be treated. I sold my car and and am emigrating in 3 weeks so as far as I am concerned, the prices can to to £10 a liter. God save the Queen and god save you lot....hahahahahaha

  11. It's going to take actions more drastic than that, as in stuff

    that normally would be illegal, but when done as a societal

    backlash against oil interests' criminal aggrandizement,

    it becomes a popular uprising which becomes justified.

    When milk prices in the US were so low, dairy farmers

    could not make a living, they hijacked tanker trucks and

    dumped the milk.

    Don't dump gasoline mind you for environmental reasons,

    but it will take some drastic action such as this to get the

    politicians' attention before they set lower prices, nationalize

    oil interests, ration gas at lower prices if necessary. These

    d**n oil barons have been given free rein under GW Bush,

    and it's payback for inane foreign policy in the mideast and


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